“Guess he wanted to announce it in the worst way possible. Your brother’s good at that, huh?” I press my lips together to hide my smirk, turning back to find her clamping down on a laugh, too. Who knew I could have that effect on her?

I find myself wanting more. I want her to really smile. I ache for it, and I don’t know why.

As though she senses it, she moves her gaze down to my mouth. My hackles rise as she licks her lips. What is she doing?

“Maybe I should give him a taste of his own medicine.”

I frown, but I have no time to ask what she means. She’s on me in a second, wrapping her legs around my waist. The chair rolls back and slams into the desk as she presses her lips to mine, stealing my breath.

Strong. She’s stronger than she looks, so strong that I’m in awe for a moment.

And then my body reacts the best way it knows how. My hands rove her thighs, digging into her soft, golden flesh until she gasps. My slacks get tight, my dick hardening as a fire blazes in the deepest pits of my stomach. I want to touch her, want to hear her gasp again.

I bury my face into her neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there. I can taste perfume and soap and sweat, and it might as well be nectar for the way it makes me throb.

She must feel it because she begins to palm me over my trousers.

“Fuck, Madison.”

She smiles, nipping at my bottom lip. I forget where we are. I forget the music and the laughter downstairs. I forget who she is, forget why I shouldn’t be doing this.

Frantically, I slip my fingers beneath her dress, seeking the waistband of her panties. She rolls her hips against me and arches her back, driving her core into my palm through layers of clothing that I want gone. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Part of me wants to keep watching, watch her get herself off without me even having to try.

The other, more primitive part of me wants to rip that thin, barely-there dress off her and taste every inch of her. Her skirt bunches as my grip moves higher, massaging her breasts until she moans and begins to bounce on me. “Oh, God.”

“That’s Roman to you.” I want her to say my name. I want her to scream it. My dick twitches as I imagine it, the tension building until I feel like I might explode.

“Shut up,” she whispers. “Shut up, Roman.”

“You don’t want that, baby. I know you don’t.” I drag my tongue along the hollow of her neck until she arches, slowing her circling hips — because she’s found the perfect spot. My grip on her tightens, and I knot my fingers through her silken hair, sweat beginning to gather in my hairline.

What am I doing?

When she kisses me again, I feel like she’s claiming me. With her legs still clamped around me, I stand up, ready to lay her down on the bed and have my way with her. I need her spread out for me.

Creaking hinges slice through our rasping breaths, and I snap my attention to the door, dread swooping through me. Madison stiffens in my arms, her hold so tight she’s almost suffocating me.

Chloe stands at the door, her mouth agape and shock all over her features.

“Fuck.” I put Madison down quickly, turning around to hide my boner. I’m so turned on that I’m aching, but the guilt, the shame, quickly washes it away, leaving hot embarrassment to bloom in my cheeks.

What the hell have I just done?



o o o

“Um…” Chloe shifts from foot to foot in the doorway.

I bow my head as my face flames, risking a glance Roman’s way. He’s… adjusting himself. The sight makes my core flutter all over again. I never, ever thought I’d kiss Roman Sterling, let alone dry hump him like some sort of animal.

Sure, I started it. I was bitter and petty, and I wanted to prove a point: shacking up with your sibling’s best friend is not okay, and I just know Brandon would hit the roof if the roles were reversed.

Which they sort of were just now.

I wasn’t supposed to like it.