It’s all I need to hear. I align myself onto his hard dick, and his fingers tighten in my hair as he enters me. I gasp, still unused to his size even after yesterday. Still unused to that spellbinding feeling of connection whenever we get this close. I move my hips slowly, finding the angle that makes my toes curl, and then we’re moving together, over and over, our bodies gathering sweat and pleasure.

“Touch me,” I beg, craving that friction against my clit.

“Open your eyes and I will.” I hadn’t even realized they were closed, not until his gravelly words. We meet eyes. His gaze is so intense that my muscles seem to crumble. “I want to see every bit of you when you cum.”

Finally, he cups my breasts, sending licks and pecks along my cleavage and across my nipples as he squeezes my soft flesh. I throw my head back with pleasure when his teeth graze my skin, but he pulls me back quickly, our noses brushing.

“Every bit of you, Madison. Please.”

It’s almost impossible with the pleasure building in my belly, but I keep my gaze rooted on his and am rewarded with his index finger circling my clit. My thighs begin to quiver, my stomach unraveling, but I’m not ready for it to end so soon and do my best to prolong my approaching climax. I’ve never felt this close to another human being, never kept my eyes on another like this. It feels like I’ve gained an extra sense, like it isn’t just my body he’s caressing, but my heart, too. Does he even know how much I ache for the deeper parts of him?

Does he know what this means to me?

All at once, he loses control and pushes me onto the bed. My head hits his pillows, hair fanning around me, as he tilts my hips up and pounds into me at the new angle. His breath hitches like a faulty engine, gaze still driving into me as hard as his cock is, and I can’t breathe, can’t see, can’t think. I burn all over with this new sensation, this new desperation. I’m no longer able to contain my moans, letting out a high-pitched whine as my orgasm finally engulfs me.

“Let me see you, baby,” he reminds, and I keep my eyes open, keep them on him, as I fall to pieces. “Good girl. You’re so perfect.”

Teeth clenched, his juices spurt into me and leave me fuller than ever. Tears spill over my lids without warning, and he’s there to staunch them with the trembling, rough pad of his thumb as he rides out the last waves of our climax.

He collapses beside me, brushing a sweat-slick strand of hair from my face and leaving a final kiss on my temple. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to stop wanting this.”

My heart shatters. I was right. This is temporary, and he knows it, too.

But for now, I let it be. He pushes up to grab a washcloth, and I can only watch his gorgeous, toned figure disappear into the bathroom. Another tear rolls down my cheek.

I wipe it away before he returns.



o o o

It’s an awkward evening, but one that comes to a swift end when I get Leo ready for bed. I can barely even look at my mom. She knows how much I despise my father, and she used that as a weapon. I thought we were closer in his absence, but apparently, she doesn’t respect me as much as I thought.

I go up to my office the moment that Madison leaves, and don’t go downstairs again until morning. As the first rays of the sun filter through the windows, I find a suitcase sitting beside the couch, full and ready. In the kitchen, Mom hovers over the stove with a spatula, making scrambled eggs.

“Leaving so soon?” I can’t keep the venom from my voice, though it only proves her point about my cruelty. Still, she was cruel, too, and I’m not one to be gracious about feeling mistreated.

She lowers one of the dials and takes the pan off the hot hob to face me. Thankfully, shame pales her features. “I owe you an apology.”

“I certainly think so.” I brush past her to open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. The plan was to go to the gym so I wouldn’t have to face her, but it seems she’s making life easier for me.

“Roman…” She sighs thickly, her fingers looping around my arms. Her nails are perfectly manicured and trembling. “I only worry about you. You’re so closed off from the world around you, and it scares me.”

“That doesn’t make me like him,” I spit.

“No, it doesn’t. But it may make you alone like him.”

I recoil, that familiar ache in my chest returning. “I’m not alone. I have a son. I have…”

My words trail off. Other than Leo, who do I have? Madison, but I’m not certain how right that is or how long it can possibly last without exploding. Brandon, but I’ve betrayed him and have no right to bring him up in this context.

That’s it. My circle is minuscule. I’ve spent my whole life trying to build an empire bigger and brighter than the one my father had, and it’s left me with a thick wallet but few important relationships.

Maybe my mother is right, as much as it pains me to think. Still, I’m not about to admit defeat. “…I have everything I could ever want here. I don’t need you to worry about me.”

“Well, I do, because I’m your mother, and I love you.” Her voice is soft, eyes round and apologetic. She prods a finger into my stomach. “You have something good here, Roman. I see how close you are with her, and how her eyes light up when you’re in the room. I see the way you orbit her like she’s the only person who exists. But I know you. You won’t let that love in because you’re too stuck in your ways.”