In front of his mom, Madison? Really?

I shake myself out of it quickly, glad when Caroline fills the silence. “Right. You must be talking about Brandon, right? I’m so glad Roman has such wonderful friends here. I know it’s something he’s struggled with, especially since Leo came along.”

“I get it. Single parenting isn’t easy, especially not on top of his work.” I try to keep my voice neutral, but her eye twinkles with knowing.

“You’ve noticed his commitment to his company, have you?”

“It’s hard not to when I’m working until seven most nights.” I laugh uncomfortably as I press another button on the machine to dispense cream. The steam curls around me, and I hope it hides some of my blush. “Not that I’m complaining. Roman was generous enough to let me stay downstairs so I can at least avoid the commute.”

“Sometimes she sleeps here!” Leo adds.

Caroline tilts her head and arches a thin brow. “Is that right?”

I want to shrivel up and die. My smile wavers, my cheeks aching as I try to fix it back onto my face and laugh it off. “I think Leo thinks that me living in the same building counts as a slumber party.”

“In Daddy’s bed!” he continues obliviously between sips of his Capri Sun.

Great. Just great.

I grimace, my heart already thumping in my throat. There doesn’t seem to be a way out of this, though I grapple desperately for anything.

Caroline smirks, letting out a slow hum as she scrutinizes me once more. “Interesting.”

“It’s not like that,” I say, flustered.

She only tips her chin, clearly unconvinced. “Oh, I’m sure.”

* * *

The restof the afternoon is just as uncomfortable, although Caroline is kind enough not to bring up Leo’s bed-sharing confession. If nothing else, I at least get a little time to myself as she takes over Leo duties, spending every second with him until I’m nothing but a third wheel. Leo is sweet enough to ask me to join in at some points, but I know quality time is important for them and I don’t want to intrude.

“We should go out to dinner tonight!” she announces midway through coloring in Peppa Pig in a bright red. “All of us. I’ll tell Roman to get his butt home early, should I?”

Honestly, I can’t think of anything worse, but I agree to appease her.

Not long after, Roman comes home. If only I had that same power over him.

He instantly looks taken aback by his mother’s presence. “You didn’t warn me you were coming!”

She gathers him into a hug. “Oh, the house was too quiet. I needed some quality time with my two boys.”

My heart warms. I know Roman has his family issues, but it’s good that at least one of his parents has his back. It’s clear by the thin line of his mouth that he’s uncomfortable with all the fussing and attention, but that only makes it sweeter.

I stand on the outside, hoping for a way to get out of dinner plans. I have no such luck. “I was just saying to Madison here that we should go out for dinner. I’d like to get to know her better, and it’s been a while since we dined out.”

“You guys should go ahead. I don’t want to intrude,” I interject awkwardly.

“Nonsense! You’re practically part of the family now. Isn’t she, Roman?”

Roman looks at Leo warily, and I know he’s thinking of the attention it might bring. He only took the first step in letting his son out into his world this morning. Does Caroline know that, or is she trying to push him, too?

“I want pizza!” Leo announces.

Caroline pats Leo’s shoulder. “We’ll see. Give me a moment to freshen up, and then we can head out. Shall we pick you out a new shirt, Leo?”

They head toward Leo’s bedroom, leaving us in silence. I gulp when Roman meets my eye.

“I’m supposing she ambushed you,” he says.