Seconds tick by, each of them measured by Brandon’s scoffs and huffs. I remain steady, though inside, anger is burning. Maybe Madison was right. Maybe he does need a taste of his own medicine. What makes Madison and I so wrong, but him and Chloe so right? The ten-year age gap instead of twenty? Or just the fact that Brandon thinks himself above me because his one-night stands came to an end slightly earlier than mine?

I am tired of him making me out to be untrustworthy. I’m tired of feeling disgusted by my own feelings. Madison is important to me in ways I’m unable to name, and I shouldn’t have to apologize for that. I’ve never felt like this before, like there is something exciting waiting for me at the end of the day. Brandon is tainting that.

Finally, he steps forward, glaring in my face. “Tell me that I can trust you with my sister, because right now, all I see is you taking advantage of her.”

“Is that really how low you think of me?” I can’t help but bare my teeth against the sting his words cause. “Because the way I see it, only one of us has hurt her, and it wasn’t me.”

My blow lands right where I intended. He stumbles back, nostrils flaring and mouth twisted. “And here I thought you were on my side.”

“I could say the same thing about you.” My words are cold now, and I’m unable to take them back. I’m not sure I want to. I would rather be the one making Madison feel good than the one making her hurt like Brandon did, even if I have to keep it a secret from my best friend.

If I have to choose, I’m selfish enough to choose her.

He rolls his eyes, marching to the door. His knuckles are white around the handle as he sends one final glower my way. “I’m warning you, Roman. Don’t fuck around with my sister. This stays professional, or I swear I’m done with you.”

A shiver runs through me, landing right in my throat. I know he means it, and that means I’ve already lost him, whether he knows it yet or not.

And yet, I can’t bring myself to regret any of it. I can’t change her impact on me or lessen it any.

I can only nod tersely and say, “I understand perfectly.”



o o o

“Oh, hello!” I falter when I walk into the penthouse to find an elegant, silver-haired woman sitting on the couch, her sleek Michael Kors purse tucked against her arm and her pen scribbling into her crossword book. She closes it and twists around to look at me, and immediately, I see the gorgeous Sterling genes: bright blue eyes, olive skin, sharp cheekbones.

“Grandma!” Leo drops his backpack and juice pouch to bound into his grandmother’s open arms.

I pick the latter up before it can spill, setting them both down on the kitchen counter before watching the interaction. The woman holds him close, her cheeks rosy and her smile vibrant, as though Leo has brought her back to life. I can’t help but grin, softening. I’ve never seen Leo like this with anyone but Roman and me. It’s special to know he has another person he loves in his life.

“You must be the new nanny. Maggie, was it?” Her voice is husky but kind enough.

“Madison.” Nerves rattle through me as the full extent of the situation hits. This is Roman’s mother, Leo’s grandmother. For a moment, I felt like I was part of their family, but now, to this woman, I’m just the girl who is paid for her services. The girl who is secretly hooking up with her son like some cheap accessory.

Oh, God. My stomach begins to churn as I go to shake her hand once Leo is set down.

“That’s right, Madison. Apologies. I’m Caroline.” Her smile is youthful and warm, reminding me of my Mom. Still, she exudes grace and wealth, much like Roman. It’s like everybody in the Sterling family was trained by the same tutor to be classy and powerful. “How are you finding your new job here?”

“Oh, I love it.” I ruffle Leo’s hair, and he squirms, which makes us all laugh. “I hit the jackpot, finding this little one.”

“Well, I’m sure he feels the same. Roman, too.” She brushes past me, wandering into the kitchen and searching the cupboard. “Can I get you some tea? Coffee?”

“Either is fine. Whatever you’re having. Although, it’s sort of my job to do that.” I brush past her and grab Roman’s ceramic mugs myself, hoping she doesn’t notice my trembling fingers.

“Oh, nonsense, your only job is to watch Leo. But you’re probably much more well-acquainted with the coffee machine, so I won’t say no. Thank you, dear.”

She watches me as I prepare the coffee, and I feel shaky under her scrutiny. If I’d have known she was coming today, I would have put on a little more makeup and neatened my hair with a flat iron. In fact, I wouldn’t have gone out on the town last night, either. I hope the tequila isn’t still seeping through my pores, strong enough for her to smell it.

Leo hovers behind us, and I pause to give him his juice pouch. “Why don’t you go find some crayons so we can draw together?”

“I want to draw with Grandma!”

Caroline chuckles. “Soon, sweetheart. Let me get to know Madison here a little better first!” She turns her attention back to me. “You’re much younger than I expected. Awfully pretty, too. I’m surprised Roman didn’t mention that.”

My cheeks flush with heat. “I’m not so sure about that. He’s my brother’s best friend, so I doubt he sees me that way.” Or I used to doubt it, at least. I know better these days, and it’s hard to pretend otherwise when I still daydream about his touch, his warmth, the way he fills me up.