He narrows his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I mean…” It’s hard to say the words aloud, but I push through. Perhaps my honesty will count for something in the future if Brandon ever finds out about my lies. “I mean that Leo needs more from me than I was giving him. I’m trying to make more time for him, even if that means people finding out about him.”

His gaze is sharp with scrutiny. “Was this Madison’s idea?”

I can’t help but smirk. “She certainly didn’t hold back in making me see my own problems.”

“Hmm.” Brandon crosses an ankle over his knee, fiddling with the edge of the desk. I want to squirm under his attention, afraid that our affair, my attraction to her, is written in permanent ink all over my face. It’s clear he knows that something is going on. I can admit that I’m acting out of character. Bringing Leo into the office is something I’ve always been too afraid to do before now, and it was non-negotiable even when Brandon tried to convince me otherwise. I was afraid I couldn’t trust my employees to keep their mouths shut.

I still am. I can’t help but expect a piece in tomorrow’s news all about my secret son.

But some things matter more than stories and public perception. I’ve realized that because of Madison.

I clear my throat, clasping my hands on the desk. “Look, there’s something else I should tell you regarding Madison.”

Brandon frowns and straightens immediately, thunder echoing across his features. “No. No, tell me you didn’t. I knew you’d been acting weird. Both of you!”

“Didn’t what?” I play dumb, but I already know what he suspects. Against my clammy palms, my fingers begin to tremble.

“Tell me you didn’t get involved with my sister. I swear to God, Roman—” Brandon hops out of his chair to tower over me.

I blanch, holding my hands out in mercy. “It’s not what you think. Just listen.” The lie tastes bitter on my tongue. It’s exactly what he thinks, and this reaction only confirms that he can never know.

He wouldn’t forgive me, and I… If I lost Brandon, I wouldn’t have a friend in the world. Not one. It’s sad, but it’s true. His family became mine somewhere down the line. His is the only functional family I’ve ever known, and I want Leo to be part of it someday. I want him to see Brandon’s parents happy and content. I don’t want his everyday life to be just him, me, and Madison or my Mom. He deserves at least one model of true love in his life, true community, and I certainly have never been able to provide that all alone, nor have my parents.

“At the cocktail party last weekend, Madison ran into Damon Reid,” I begin in the most soothing tone I can muster.

The change of topic works. Brandon relaxes just slightly. “The investor you’re trying to snare?”

I nod. “He assumed she was my wife.”

He purses his lips. “Don’t tell me you let him.”

“It was my last chance, Brandon. The guy is obsessed with happy families. He wouldn’t invest in the company, and then she comes along, and suddenly he’s interested.”

“So you used my sister for a business deal?” He grinds his teeth, and I grimace. It doesn’t sound good when he puts it like that, but neither would the full story.

“The business deal isn’t confirmed yet. I still need to win him over. I need…”

“You need her to keep playing along,” he finishes for me. He shakes his head, thrusting his hands in his pockets as he begins to pace. “Jesus, Ro.”

“I know. It’s not ideal. But she agreed, and there’s no going back on it now. I need this investment.”

“This is ridiculous. Even pretending… How the hell do you expect people to buy that?”

“Meaning what?”

“You’re almost twenty years older than her. You’re her boss. She’s my sister. Not to mention, you’ve never committed to anything but business deals in your life! People surely aren’t going to believe that you’ve suddenly found a woman almost half your age, not with your reputation.”

Unexpected anger sparks in me, not just for my own defense, but for Madison’s, too. I remember seeing Madison at the party after she’d found out about Chloe and Brandon. How broken she’d been. Broken enough to kiss me for revenge. He’s being a hypocrite, and that isn’t fair. Not to mention, he’s using my personal life against me. “You didn’t do something too different, you know.”

His eyes flare golden. “That’s not the same thing and you know it!”

“Neither is this! We’ve both agreed that this is purely business. Nothing more, nothing less. All I need from her is a few appearances at events, just to make it look real until the papers with Reid are signed. I’ll worry about my own damn reputation!”

“And who’s going to worry about Madison?”

“You sure as hell didn’t when you proposed to her best friend without telling her!” My explosion is met by silence. Brandon’s face turns as red as his crimson tie.