When my shoulder brushes his chest on the way out, I’m sure he shivers.

However, we come to a stop right outside his door. Brandon stands, stunned, in the hallway, a bag from the local sushi place in either hand.

“Hey, kiddo!” His eyes scrape over me for only a second before he kneels, dropping his bags to give Leo a big hug.

“Uncle Brandon!” Leo cheers. “We’re going to the comic bookstore.”

“Is that right? Will you pick me up something cool, too? It’s all on me.” Brandon hands him a twenty-dollar bill, which is ridiculous, considering there’s only one billionaire standing in this hallway. I’m sure Roman could have managed a few six-dollar comics just fine.

“Thanks!” Leo beams.

Brandon stands up slowly, his scrutiny landing on the man standing behind me. “So. This is new.”

I hear Roman’s shirt rustle with a shrug. “It was time for change.”

And then my brother turns to me with a proud smile that makes me feel rotten. “Thawing even the iciest of hearts, huh? I’m impressed, Mads.”

If only you knew just how much I’m thawing.

Awkwardly, I chuckle, shifting from foot to foot. “Thanks.”

He scratches his neck as though he feels the tension rolling off me. I hope he believes it’s because of our own conflict, rather than sensing it as something more, something he would hate. “So, are you coming to Mom’s this weekend? I can give you a ride.”

“Actually, Brandon, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about in private.” Roman steps aside, his features hard as stone.

My stomach churns. I guess this is it then. He’s delivering the whole “fake marriage” news. Apparently, my weekends will now be spent on his arm, or at least whenever he has special events and occasions with potential investors planned.

I have no idea how Brandon will take it. I can’t imagine too well, although he’s the one who got me this job. He should have known that, with Roman, I’d never be given simple tasks.

“I’ll leave you two alone. C’mon, Leo.” Leo is already dragging me down the corridor towards the elevator. I chance a meek look over my shoulder, and Roman tips his head in what I think is an attempt to reassure me.

Brandon looks utterly baffled, but he steps into Roman’s office.

I’m just glad I’m not involved in that particular conversation.



o o o

“You’re acting weird. Should I be worried?” Brandon lets out an awkward laugh as he steps into my office, resting his hands against the back of the nearest leather desk chair.

Yes, my instinct screams. Yes, you should be worried. I’m fucking your sister in private and faking a marriage to her in public.

Instead, I force a level smile and take a seat, waiting as he does the same.

“You’re not firing me, are you?” He lifts a brow.

“What? No. Don’t be ridiculous.” I scoff at his absurdity. I would never do that to him. He could come into work wearing a hotdog costume and spend the day napping at his desk, and I still wouldn’t be able to take this job from him. He helped me make this company what it is. He believed in me from the start. Few men our age would be happy and secure enough to work for their friend as an employee, but it’s never been a competition for us. There is no hierarchy.

Which is why I shouldn’t be betraying him like this, that annoying voice chimes in again.

I clench my jaw and drive it out with white noise, taking a deep breath to stay calm. I’m not proud of myself, but I’m not strong enough to stay away from Madison anymore, and it isn’t just my dick I’m thinking with. It’s something else, something deep in the cage of my ribs, something I can’t even begin to acknowledge.

Brandon breathes a sigh of relief, smoothing the back of his brown hair and leaning more easily in his chair. “What’s going on, Ro? Seriously. You’re bringing Leo into the office now, spending your lunch with him and my sister? That’s… That’s big for you. You never even brought Leo to meet my parents.”

I rub my chin warily. “What I was doing with Leo — hiding him away — wasn’t working.”