“Uh-huh!” Leo nods excitedly, gripping Madison’s hand so tightly that his knuckles turn white. Here I thought he’d be glad to spend the day with me, and yet he remains as attached to her as ever. I don’t mind. Quite the opposite. “Can we go see the dinosaurs now, Daddy?”

I frown, taking his other hand to urge him forward. I’m too aware of how it must look: a couple swinging their child between them. Maybe in another world, this is my life: a bigger family. A maternal figure for Leo.

A woman who isn’t only mine when I pay her to care for my son.

“Well, I’m not sure if there are any dinosaurs at this zoo, bud,” I respond carefully. It would be great if we could at least make it into the park before our first meltdown.

Leo’s pout lasts only a moment. Madison is quick to chase it away with her words. “But crocodiles and alligators are closely related to dinosaurs, which means, really, there are parts of dinosaurs in them. Birds, too!”


“Yep. Some dinosaurs even had feathers!”

“Cool! What color?”

I raise my brows. This is news to me, too — I’m not too well-versed in paleontology. She, on the other hand, seems to have an answer for everything. She’d be able to keep Leo happy in an empty room with all that dazzling intelligence and quick wit.

“Not sure, kiddo. Maybe we can find out today?”


As predicted, they skip into the zoo together, leaving me trailing behind. Forgotten. The pair are utterly engrossed in one another’s presence, and it’s heartwarming as hell. Leo needed this connection. He needed somebody to meet him on his level, to take care of his needs. Madison makes it look effortless.

“Didn’t I say no running off?” I can’t help but chuckle as I call out to them, my heart lifting in a way I haven’t felt in a long time. It takes me a moment to recognize the emotion: joy. Pure, unadulterated joy.

I think I’m in trouble.



o o o

Things haven’t felt this easy in a long time. None of my worries can reach me here, despite the dread I’ve been carrying around since I received Elio’s text.

Leo beams as he runs around the zoo’s winding paths, asking me if each animal we see is part-dinosaur. Even the bears. I have to start getting creative after a while.

When his little legs get tired, Roman puts him on his shoulders. Together, they walk around, Roman gripping his knees while Leo tries to touch the sky. For a minute, I don’t feel like a third party in this scenario. I feel like part of it — part of them.

I run in front of them with my phone camera ready, thinking of all the albums at Mom’s house that are stacked with memories like this one. Leo deserves one just the same, and maybe one day, Roman will grow a heart and want to look back on this day, too.

“What are you doing?” Roman frowns when I point my phone at them.

“Say cheese!”

“Cheeeese!” Leo grins toothily, clutching onto Roman’s dark hair without care. It begins to ruffle, making him look about as disheveled as I’ve ever seen him. A strand curls in his eyes and I try hard not to focus on it. Curse him for being so attractive.

Roman puffs out a breath and adjusts his grip but still doesn’t smile.

I sigh and tilt my head. “Come on, Roman. At least pretend you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Say cheese, Dad!” Leo urges.

“Cheese,” Roman offers in a monotone voice with a deadpan stare.

I blow a childish raspberry that Leo quickly mimics, and together, we throw our thumbs down. “You can do better than that. Can’t he, Leo?”

“Say cheese!” Leo shouts more aggressively.