“Um, yes.”

“Come meet him and see if your mind is changed.” I lead her closer, seeking out the TV remote to dismiss Thomas and friends once and for all. “Leo, say hello to Madison. She’s going to be taking care of you while I go to work.”

Leo twists around and looks up at his new nanny, his round eyes widening. He gives a floppy-handed wave and says, “Oooh! Pretty!”

I try not to blush. “Excuse him. It’s his new favorite word. He said the same thing about my tie this morning.”

Madison’s laugh bubbles over like champagne frothing out of the bottle, and I want nothing more than to drink it up right from her lips.

“Well, it is a very pretty shade of black, isn’t it, Leo?” She rounds the couch and crouches down on the carpet beside him. “We’re going to have lots and lots of fun together.”

“Yay!” he beams, standing up to display his favorite dinosaur-patterned pajamas. “With Daddy, too?”

“Sorry, bud. I have to work.” I tut at the sight of chocolate still on his chin, grabbing a wipe and offering it to him. “Clean your face. You’re not making a very good first impression, are you?”

“Oh, that’s okay.” Madison helps Leo with the wipe. “So, what does Leo like to eat?”

“Ice cream!”

I roll my eyes, a smile playing on my lips. “It changes from day to day, but I keep my kitchen stocked with anything and everything.”

“So, no allergies or intolerances?”

“None. Unless being intolerant to sitting still counts.” I pinch his nose and then check my wristwatch. If I leave now, I may just about be able to make the last half hour of the meeting. “I trust you can figure out the rest, but I would like there to be some sort of structure to his day once you’ve settled into the job.”

“Of course. I’ll work on a schedule — though it will be used as a loose guide in my case. I think it’s important to let kids be kids.”

I don’t know how I feel about that, though I suppose she’s right. He’ll start kindergarten next year, and his routine will be much more fixed then. I just want him to be prepared.

“In case of an emergency, I’ve left my number by the microwave. Please try to refrain from wasting my time with any silly questions or concerns. I’m a busy man, and I don’t need the phone ringing every five minutes.” Which is what happened with my last hire, a twenty-one-year-old who mistook a splatter of pink paint for chickenpox and called every morning to ask what clothes she should dress Leo in. It was her first job, and I’m not sure she was cut out for it. She only lasted two weeks before I gave up.

Madison narrows her eyes, taking a step away from Leo and putting her hands on her hips. “Right. I wouldn’t want to disrupt your work.”

I purse my lips. I don’t like what she’s implying: that I put work above Leo. Sterling Holdings is how we live a good life, a luxurious life, and I’ll work my ass off to keep it that way. If that makes me a bad father, so be it, but Leo will thank me for it when he’s studying at an Ivy League and driving a car worth millions.

“Less snark, please, Madison. We’re keeping things professional, remember?” I run my hand across a few creases in my shirt before gathering my bag and keys. “I don’t want that attitude rubbing off on my son.”

“I don’t know what you mean. I’m a perfect angel.” She bats her lashes innocently, and my dick twitches in response. Why am I most attracted to this woman when she’s spitting sarcasm and insults my way?

“So was Lucifer once,” I mumble, and then quickly turn my attention back to my son. Leo runs up to me, and I haul him into my arms, placing a quick kiss on his temple. “Okay, bud. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Don’t go, Daddy!” As predicted, his eyes are already filling with tears. It’s been a common occurrence for about a year now. For whatever reason, he hates to see me leave. I sometimes wonder if his mother had an effect on him even at such a young age.

To my surprise, Madison takes hold of him and speaks softly. “Hey, Leo, what should we do today? Should we go to the park?”

Leo tilts his head, unsure. “You’ll push me on the swings?”

“You betcha. And we can feed the ducks!”

In just a few seconds, he becomes utterly engrossed by her. I can’t say I’ve not suffered the same problem once or twice.

Now that he’s calmed down, I slowly step back and say goodbye, making sure to shoot her a look of gratitude as she waves with Leo.

When his bubbly giggle echoes down the hallway, I smile to myself.

Maybe I was wrong after all. Leo hasn’t warmed to a stranger so quickly in a long, long time.