We laugh together quietly as we struggle to get them on. Then he pulls me to him for one more kiss before I walk him to the door and dreamily say goodnight after exchanging numbers so he can text me to go out tomorrow.

Chapter 6


The week flies by, with the same routine every night. I’m so fucking lucky. I get off work doing what I love, take a shower, and drive to town where I spend the rest of the evening with the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met.

There’s something so innocent, so kind about Livie. I feel so protective of her, if that’s even the right word. It might be more like “possessive.” She went with me to the co-op and I practically growled at old Mr. Cooper when he politely said hello to her. Not my finest moment, I admit.

And if one of the guys even says her name, they have about two seconds to start running before I punch them in the face. I’ve got it bad. So bad. And I grin to myself just thinking about it as I’m heading to the bakery to pickher up. It’s Friday night and she’s helping Else close down tonight. Rhett is beside me in the truck since we agreed we’d pick them both up and head back to the ranch.

Rhett turns to me as we approach the outskirts of town. “So how are things going with Livie?” I nearly swerve off the road at his question.

“Livie?! What are we, a couple of middle-school girls gossiping about who likes who?” I laugh at him, but he doesn’t laugh back.

“I mean it. Elise thinks the world of Livie, and I think the world of you. We’ve known each other for years, Archer. You’re one of the best guys I know. But this Livie girl is not someone you can play around with if you aren’t willing to get serious. So be honest. Are you willing to get serious with her?”

“It’s too early, Rhett. Who’s to say where this is going? I mean, I know you and Elise knew right away, but this thing is so new. Why do I have to commit right away? Why can’t I just have fun for now and see where it goes?”

“So you are just in it for a good time?”

“Yeah, man. I mean, shit. I haven’t really thought about it.” Rhett looks away, his mouth a hard line. I know that look. It means he’s disappointed in something or someone. Well it’s not his business.

“So you wouldn’t mind if another guy asked her out?” Rhett asks without looking over at me.

I don’t hesitate. “Fuck yes I would mind. No one else better lay a finger on her, or else I’ll-” I stop when I realize he’s grinning at me.

“What?” I ask, still steamed he would ask that.

“I’ll let your brain catch up. Give it a minute.” What the hell is his problem? I mean, It’s not his business what I do. Okay, yes, Livie is the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. And yes, she’s the only one I’ve ever envisioned a future with. And yes, I think about her all the time. And no, I would not be okay with another guy asking her out. She’s mine, no one else better dare try to-. “Oh, I get it.”

Rhett laughs out loud. “That was awesome watching your brain literally spin, Archer. So I’ll ask you again. Are you willing to get serious with her?”

“I already am serious about her, Rhett. I didn’t realize how much until you dumb ass just made me.” I take a deep breath and sigh, oddly comforted in the knowledge that Livie is who I can see myself settling down with. I’m not afraid of that image at all. I find I rather like the idea. And hell, maybe I’ll talk to her about it tonight.

I park in front of Hearts & Grinds and follow Rhett in, laughing at how he pushed me to see what I couldn’t see myself. But I run into his back when he stops in his tracks. I peer around his broad shoulders to see Elise standing there, hands on her hips glaring at him.Check that.Glaring at me.

Chapter 7


Elise and I were just finishing up with the closing chores for the night when my phone rang. I smiled when I saw Archer’s name on the screen and answered, clicking for the call to be on speakerphone.

But before I could say, “Hello” I heard Rhett’s voice. “Hey Elise, get over here.” We both smiled at their voices. Then my smile quickly turned to something else when I realized Rhett was asking about me. And Archer replied that he didn’t want to commit and that he wasn’t serious about me. I hung up right after he told Rhett he was just in it for a good time.

“Oh Livie, I’m so sorry.” I stare up at Elise. It feels like someone kicked me in the stomach.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I turn away. “It’s fine, really. I mean, he never said he wanted to get serious. I just thought-” I can’t keep talking or I’ll start crying. I swallow again.

“I think I’ll head on home tonight. Do you think you’d mind telling Archer I wasn’t feeling well?”

“Livie, honey, I’m so sorry.”

I wave my hand at her dismissively, and smile though I want to cry. “No, it’s fine. I’m fine. I just don’t feel well.” She nods slowly as I grab my purse and coat and rush out the door.

Tears cloud my vision as I drive to Grandma Anne’s. I’m so silly. Why am I crying over a guy who never made any kind of commitment? Why should I expect anything from him? I shudder when I think that tonight was going to be the night. I wanted to go back to his place at the ranch and spend the night with him.

I shake my head and wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand. No, no I won’t cry about another guy. They’re all the same. I’ll start looking for a nursing job tomorrow. Maybe here in Montana. Maybe back in Texas. My parents just announced they were retiring and moving to South Padre Island. Maybe I’ll go look there?