“I didn’t get your name,” I say as I move to walk between her and the guys. I don’t want their eyes all over her. I feel protective of this girl, and I don’t even know her name.

“Oh, I’m Livie. I work at the bakery. Obviously.” She laughs as we approach the car, and I try desperately to think of a reason to see her again.

“Nice. Well please tell Elise how much we appreciate the treat.” I look her up and down, my mouth watering at her curves. Her cheeks redden, and I realize she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

“I’ll do that.” She opens the car door and gets in, but looks back up at me before shutting it. “I hope you aren’t injured, Archer.” Then she smiles and closes the door. I stand there and watch as she drives away, the sound of my name from her lips the most intoxicating thing I’ve experienced in months.

Chapter 3


“Everything go okay with the delivery?” Elise looks up at me with a grin when I walk back in the bakery as she’s clearing a table. The bakery is almost empty, as it usually is this time of day.

“Holy hot cowboy!” I exclaim. Then it hits me. “Hey! You knew exactly what you were doing when you sent me out there, didn’t you?” Elise shrugs her shoulders, not making eye contact.

“I knew it! I knew something was up. I knew that weird look on your face earlier meant something!”

Elise starts to laugh. “So you met Archer, I take it?”

“Did I ever,” I respond, fanning myself. “Poor guy got bucked off and had the wind knocked out of him just as I walked up. But he was okay.”

“I wonder if it was the fall that knocked the wind out of him. Or just the sight of those curves you’ve got, girl,” she says with a wink.

“Elise!” I swat her shoulder as we both laugh. “I can’t believe you set me up like that. Have to say though, I’m not mad about it.”

“I imagine you aren’t.”

“Ha! Well, do let me know if we have any extra cinnamon rolls anytime soon. I guess I wouldn’t mind making another delivery out there. You know, if you needed me to. I’m willing to do whatever it takes for this bakery. You are lucky you have such a dedicated employee, I hope you realize that.” I manage to say it with a straight face as I put my purse under the counter and move to the sink to wash my hands.

“Indeed I do, Livie. Indeed I do.”


The next few weeks are a whirlwind as I keep myself busy between trying to look after Grandma Anne and devoting more time to the bakery. Elise has sent me out to the ranch a few more times, but I haven’t seen Archeragain. I’m beginning to wonder if the spark I felt while I was there was just my imagination.

Elise and Rhett just left to go out of town for a week, so I’m the one opening and closing the bakery. It’s Friday, the one day we stay open late, and I’m finishing boxing up the leftovers to take to the Food Bank tomorrow when I hear the bell signaling someone came in the front door.

Without looking behind me I call out, “Sorry! We’re closed for tonight. I’m all out of pastries, but in the morning I’ll have them hot and ready!”

A deep masculine voice that I instantly recognize replies, “As good as that sounds, I didn’t come in here for pastries.”

Sucking in a breath, I turn around and see Archer standing at the counter grinning at me. He looks even better than I remember.

I lean my head to the side and smile back, deciding to tease him a little. “Oh really? Well, I’m afraid I’ve already cleaned the coffee equipment too. But that will be hot and ready in the morning.”

He steps around the counter and walks right up to me and I have to tilt my head up to maintain eye contact. “I didn’t come in here for coffee, either.”

“Oh no?” I smile up at him innocently.

“No.” He takes a step closer. “I’ve cursed my bad luck that I’ve been away when you’ve stopped by the ranch again.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh really?”

“Really. I have to say Livie, I tried to come up with a good excuse to stop by several times. But tonight I finally decided I didn’t need an excuse. I’ve been dying to see you again. So that’s why I’m here. If you’d prefer I leave, I’ll do as you say. But I had to see you again. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.”

His eyes burn through me as he looks me up and down before licking his lips. The sight of that makes my core clench. I’ve never had a guy be so direct with me. I know my curves attract attention, but having a guy come right out and say he’s interested is a turn on I haven’t experienced before.

“I don’t want you to leave,” my words are barely more than a whisper.