Page 2 of Colton

He’s tall with dark hair that falls behind his ears. His square jaw and high cheekbones could be chiseled from marble. He turns toward me and when our eyes connect electricity sparks in the air between us.Is this town truly so full of hot men that even the bakery delivery guy is stunning?!

We stand there staring at each other. I hear my sister clear her throat. “Looks like my sister forgot her manners. Colton, this is my sister Marley. Marley, this is Elise’s oldest brother, Colton.”

Elise is Nash’s sister-in-law. So this is her brother, huh?There must be something in the water in Montana. How are all the men in this town so good-looking?

Colton answers Maddie without breaking eye contact with me. “Uhm, so, Elise said Nash ordered those,” he says in a smooth, deep voice as he hands her the bakery box.

Maddie turns to me. “Marley, Colton lives nearby up in the mountains. Did I mention Elise has five older brothers?”

“Five you say?” I can’t take my eyes off of him. Maddie nudges me with her elbow and I blink, giving myself a mental head shake. “Oh! I mean, wow, that’s a lot of siblings.”

Colton nods, then swallows. I watch his Adam's apple bob when he does.

“So, how long are you in town for, Marley?”

I smile at him. “Just for the long weekend. But I’ll be back for spring break in March, too.”

He looks over at my sister. “Oh. Hey Madison. You look nice, what are you up to tonight?”

She smiles at him, then cuts her eyes at me with a wicked gleam that I know means trouble. “Nash and I are going out to dinner. We’re leaving our poor guest here all alone. Isn’t that rude?”


I know what she’s doing.My sister is the best!

She continues, “If only there was someone in town who could maybe take her out to dinner? Show her around. It would be a big favor to me, really.” She raises her eyebrows at him, and his eyes go wide when he finally gets it.

“Oh, well I’m free tonight.” He turns to me. “I’d be happy to show you around, and we can grab dinner at the Saloon. There’s live music and dancing tonight.”

I smile up at him again. “I’d love to. Be right back!” I turn and hurry to my room to get freshened up. I can hear them talking while I check my teeth, switch from jeans to a tight skirt, and throw my tall boots on. One last check in the mirror before a spritz of perfume and I’m heading back down the hallway.

“Okay, I’m ready for my tour!”

Colton opens the door and waits for me to walk out first.

“Thanks Colton, I appreciate it,” my sister says with a quick glance at me that no one else would catch but I know means she’s so proud of herself for setting this up.

“My pleasure,” he replies before following me to his truck.

Chapter 2


How exactly did this happen? One minute my sister Elise is shooing me out of her bakery with a box to deliver to her brother-in-law, and the next I’m heading right back to town with a date for the night.

I don’t date. I don’t take women I just met out to dinner. Especially not ones that look ten years younger than me.

I live in a cabin up in the mountains on my family’s land and spend most of my time alone. And I like it that way. Or I thought I did. But one look at Marley, and I couldn’t think straight.

Now the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met is beside me in my truck as we head to the Saloon in Heart River. The Saloon is more of a restaurant than a bar, and it’s Friday so there will be live music and lots of people on the dance floor tonight.

That’s something that I would normally have no interest in, but I didn’t hesitate when Maddie suggested it. I’m glad she did. I want to know everything about Marley. I’ve never met anyone that I’ve reacted this way to before.

I glance over at her exposed thighs that peek out below her skirt. My cock starts to twitch at the idea of running my hand along her smooth skin and sliding it under that skirt.

I clear my throat. “So Marley, tell me about yourself.”

She smiles at me and my heart skips a beat. “Well, I teach Kindergarten in a suburb of Atlanta. It’s only my second year, but I really love it. Of course the pay isn’t great, and my principal is kind of a jerk, but the kids are amazing. I love watching their faces light up when recognition dawns on something I’m teaching them. And they are so so sweet. You know what I mean?”