Who was this man sitting before me?
"Lastly," he said, taking a deep breath. "There's something I should have told you a long time ago. Hugo, I love you. I may not have always shown it, but I do. I regret that I haven't modelled a life of integrity, but somehow, in spite of me, you have figured it out. And I'm proud of you. You inspire me."
Tears threatened to spill over my cheeks as the magnitude of his words hit me. I hung my head, unable to fully take in the magnitude of his words. I inspiredhim?
I looked up, my eyes glistening. "I love you too, Dad." For the first time in my life, I felt the weight of our strained relationship lift, making room for something new – a genuine father-son connection.
"Come on," he said, clapping me on the back. "Let's rejoin the celebration."
My heart raced as I searched for Simone. I wanted to share with her what my dad had shared with me. This was the best day of my life and I couldn't be happier. My mom and dad seemed to have flipped over a new leaf and everything with them felt different. I guess you can teach old dogs new tricks.
Just then, my sisters screeched past me, accosting me, each taking one of my ears and pulling me toward them to smother me with a kiss on my cheeks. Just like we were kids when I fought them off. Now, I just rolled my eyes at them. I guess they hadn't changed. They continued on their loud ways in their beautiful designer gowns, running after some of the bachelor friends I went to school with. At least Dom, Austin and Logan were smart enough to stay out of their way.
I saw the gang out of the corner of my eye and went to join them. They were milling around the bar, getting more drinks.
I went up to them, stretched my arms wide, and pulled them together.
"Hey, hey, hey! Watch my drink, you married man." Logan tried to stop his drink from spilling.
"Yeah, do you think you're running this place?" Dom chimed in.
"I guess we can give you a little leeway. You might be a little giddy, my friend. You have one hot wifey there." Austin punched me in the arm.
"Damn straight I do. And yes, thanks for noticing. This is indeed my party and I can cry if I want to." They all cheered, and we laughed together.
"Seriously guys, thanks for being an important part of my day and, well, my life. My life in America wouldn't be the same without you sorry bastards. Who else would keep me on the straight and narrow?"
Austin laughed. "Yeah, and who else but us would dream up a hair-brained scheme that actually worked, like, for reals?"
"Shit," I said, "I don't wanna get sappy, but thanks, guys. Really."
They all fake swooned with joy, but I knew they knew. We were famiglia by choice and there was nothing stronger.
"You'll be thanking us more because we have to take up all your surgeries while you're away on your honeymoon. You're welcome." Dom added a fake sneer and all the boys laughed. But they were right. I was extremely thankful that I had them in my corner and that we could cover for each other while none of our patients had to suffer from anyone's absence.
As we clinked our glasses in celebration and enjoyed a drink together, I left them to greet some other guests. Lots of drinks and hugs later, I just wanted to see Simone again. Inside, I was still reeling from the emotional conversation with my father.
As I spotted Simone in the crowd, chatting animatedly with some of our friends, a surge of love washed over me. She looked radiant, the love of my life, now my wife. I needed to be close to her – to hold her, to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, and to begin our life together.
"Simone," I called out, making my way through the dancing guests.
She turned her head, her eyes lighting up when she saw me approaching. "Hugo! What's wrong?" she asked, concern etching her features.
"Nothing's wrong, amore mio," I replied, reaching for her hand. "I just need you. Now."
"Okay, Hugo," she said softly, her eyes searching mine, trying to understand the urgency in my voice. "What's up?"
"Let's get away from here," I suggested, an idea forming in my mind. "I want to start our honeymoon tonight, just the three of us." I glanced at Enzo, cradled in his grandmother's arms nearby.
"Are you sure?" she asked, a hint of excitement flickering in her eyes. "What about our guests?"
"Fuck the guests," I said with a teasing grin. "Let them party without us. The food and drinks are the real stars, anyway. Tonight, I want it to be just you, me, and our son."
"Alright, let's do it," she agreed, her smile infectious. "Where are we going?"
"Leave that to me," I replied, winking at her.
Simone quickly exchanged goodbyes with our friends and family while I took care of the arrangements. We'd be flying to a secluded beach house on a private island, a place where we could focus solely on each other and our baby boy.