My heart froze when I saw the shadowy figure sitting on her front step.
Hugo had found me.
Chapter 28
It was almost fully dark by the time the headlights swung into the driveway. I must have looked like a crazy person to all the neighbors who witnessed me sitting on this step all afternoon.
And they were right. I was insane. I was insane to ever walk out on Simone.
I was out of my mind speaking her the way I did and letting her go. I fully regretted that I let my fear and pride take over my judgement. "Stupid" doesn't even come close to describing how I handled all of this.
I couldn’t believe I ever thought I didn’t want everything with her. I wanted her; I wanted a family. I wanted to build a home. It took too long, but I knew now that I could do this better than my parents. Their mistakes didn’t define me. I didn't have to repeat their mistakes.
I loved Simone and I couldn’t even imagine my life without her. And I suddenly couldn’t imagine my life without our baby.
Despite the cool temperatures and the evening breeze, a bead of sweat slipped down my forehead as I watched Linda park the car. Nervously, I took a deep breath of humid air.
“Here we go,” I muttered under my breath as the car doors opened. I ran a hand through my hair.
Simone walked toward me. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore cut-off shorts, flip-flops, and a cautious look in her eye. I deserved her skepticism. I deserved her distrust.
“Simone,” I said quietly. "Linda." I nodded at her mom.
“What are you doing here, Hugo?”
“I’m just going to give you two some time to talk. Feel free to use the backyard,” Linda said as she walked toward the door, squeezing Simone’s hand as she passed by her.
Silently, Simone led me through the gate and into the backyard. We settled in the wicker chairs on the patio.
“What are you doing here, Hugo?” Simone asked again.
I swallowed hard, trying to ignore the tremble in my voice. "I, um... I wanted to talk."
"About what?" she asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.
"Us. Our situation." I gestured vaguely between us, hoping she'd understand.
“I think you've said enough, Hugo. You made it pretty clear about what you wanted. I did what you said and I moved out. I'm not sure what else there is to say."
"Look, I fucked up," I admitted, my heart pounding in my chest. "And I'm not asking for forgiveness, but I need you to hear me out."
"Fine," she snapped, her disappointment evident. "But this better be good."
“Simone,” I began, suddenly unsure of what to say. “I know I reacted badly – very badly. I can only imagine how disappointed in me you are. When you first told me you were pregnant, I was terrified. There’s no other way to say it. I was terrified mostly that I would be a terrible father, like mine. And I couldn’t stand the idea of being that person for you or for our child. After you told me the news, I went to go see my dad at his hotel and basically told him to fuck off. Then I got very drunk, which I’m not proud of, and my mother found me. It went about as well as you’d expect – which is to say it didn’t go well at all. But I closed the door on going back to Italy, and on my parents. When I sobered up, I had a talk with Seth. I owe a lot to Seth. He made me realize that I had a choice – I always have a choice – about how I could show up for people I love. I could choose not to be like them. And I’m not like them.”
“That’s all great, Hugo. But you also lied to me about your green card. Between these two things, I don’t know how to trust you.”
“And I completely understand that, Simone. The green card thing… I think I realized that I really want to marry you. Like, for reals." Simone laughed at my "girl-talk". "Everything that we've shared together has shown me what true love is. I've never felt anything like it before. I didn't want to lose you and part of me thought that if I told you I got my green card, the pressure would be off and you wouldn't want to marry me anymore because there was no need." I saw Simone shake her head and roll her eyes. "It was stupid and I should have just talked to you. I need to work on that. I need to know that I'm not an island and I don't have to figure it all out myself. God knows, I fuck everything up when I try to do things myself."
I reached out to take her hand. "I know I have to work to rebuild your trust, and I really hope you give me that opportunity. But even if you can’t, I will accept that. I want to bethere for you and the baby. You’re not doing this alone. I’m in it. Head first, tail up. I want this, Simone, and I only ask that you forgive my…" I hung my head, "most insane, stupid, immature outburst. I am more than excited to have created a child with you. I mean, come on! It's the most awesome thing ever! Please forgive me."
Simone’s eyes shimmered under the moonlight. I could see her tears brimming, threatening to fall. But she said nothing.
“I love you, Simone. More than anything, I love you. I would do absolutely anything to take away the pain I’ve caused you. All I want in this life is to make you happy. And now I want to make this baby happy and give them everything I can. I want to be there for them and love them. I want to be the parent that I never had. With your help, I think I can do it. I promise you that I will give you my best. Every single day. Even though I walked away from you, I ask you, no – I beg you – please don't walk away from me.”
Simone’s shoulder shuddered and she dropped her head in her hands.