Without another word, they left.

“Well then. That was… a lot. I’m so sorry, Simone. I wasn’t sure how any of this would go. Honestly, it was about what I expected, I guess. But I'm still very sorry you were dragged into this.”

“Hugo, I – ,” Simone started. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. What matters is if you’re okay.”

I shrugged, completely unsure of how to answer that question. Was I okay? Nothing felt like it was okay. Until they left Massachusetts and the country, I wouldn’t be okay.

“I’m not sure,” I finally said.

Simone nodded and gave me a long, tight hug.

“You’re doing the right thing, Hugo. I know it’s the hard thing. But you're choosing your own life and doing what makesyouhappy and feels right to you. That’s never the wrong choice, no matter what your parents say.”

“Thanks. And thank you for what you said. You gave me courage when I needed it most. You just being here helped me say what I needed to say. That's more support than I've ever gotten in my entire life.”

“I mean it. And we’ll get through this. I’m here for you. Whatever you need, I’m here. It’s different, but I know a little bit about how it feels when your family falls apart. Your parents are supposed to be the people who love you the most forever. And when they don’t, well that can hurt like a bitch. I know I’m lucky I still have my mom, but when my dad left, never to be heard from again, I can’t describe to you that pain. So I can’t imagine what it feels like to have to be the one to make the choice to leave your parents. But you deserve people who are going to supportyou, Hugo, because you’re amazing. And what you’re doing in this world is amazing.”

A tear escaped my eye and trickled down my cheek at Simone’s warmth and her words.

“Your support means everything, Simone. Caterina and Carlo – well, they’re the reason I never want to have children of my own. They’re selfish and it’s resulted in a fucked up relationship between all of us. I never want to subject a kid to that.”

“Wait, what?” Simone said, her eyes clouding. “You never want to have kids?”

I shook my head.

“I thought I told you that.”

“No, you didn’t. I definitely would have remembered that fact.”

“I just can’t do it, Simone. My life is so chaotic already with work. I don’t want to put children through that and be a repeat of those two.”

“I – Okay, that’s a lot to take in and a conversation for a different day, I suppose.”

“I’m sorry if that’s disappointing, Simone.”

She shook her head.

“It doesn’t matter right now. I love you and care about you. Right now, it’s about you.”

Simone pulled me into another hug, but I couldn’t miss the tremble in her chest that told me she was very much not okay with my confession.

How could a day get any worse?

Chapter 23


Istood in the tiny bathroom, the pregnancy test clenched tightly in my hand. My heart raced as I stared at the unmistakable plus sign.

"Shit," I whispered, feeling a mixture of fear and uncertainty wash over me. How could this have happened? Hugo and I hadn't been 100% careful, always caught up in the moment, but I felt like nothing had happened. Clearly it did.


We had barely spoken to each other since his parents visited this morning and he confessed he never wanted kids. What timing for that little nugget!

"Simone?" Hugo's voice startled me, nearly causing me to drop the pregnancy test.

"Damn it, Hugo!" I snapped, more out of fear than anger. "What do you want?"