“Well, Hugo said he wanted to make things official by the end of this month. That will give plenty of time for all the paperwork on his end.”
“Wow, okay. So it’s really happening then?”
“Yep, it’s really happening.”
I took a long drink of wine.
“I just can’t believe you live here now. So many changes.”
I nodded in agreement.
“But you’re okay with everything?”
I took a moment to think about that. Was I okay?
“Yeah, I think I am. We haven’t had a lot of time to talk since Italy – which seems forever ago now – but I think we’re mostly on the same page. We’re having dinner tonight, so hopefully we’ll have a chance to talk then. I think now that I’m living here, we’ll find more time to spend together.”
“I mean, you already work together. Don’t you see each other there?”
“Yes, and no. It’s always brief and we keep it super professional.”
“Boundaries are good, I guess. A little boring, though.” Lindsey thought for a moment. “So definitely no sex at work, then?”
I barked out a laugh.
“No, definitely no sex at work.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty boring. If I worked with and was going to marry someone as hot as Hugo, I’d be banging him at work every chance I got.”
I shook my head.
“He has, like, maybe five minutes between appointments every day. And those five minutes are when I’m doing something with the patient and he's updating his notes.”
“You can do a lot in five minutes.”
“You’re ridiculous,” I laughed.
Later that evening, after Lindsey had left, Hugo finally got home. I’d managed to unpack most of my things – despite Hugo’s teasing, I really hadn’t brought all that much. Just clothes and a few necessities. I did what I could to make the empty bedroom feel a little cozier. But I also didn’t want it to seem like I really lived there. Although, I wasn’t sure who would actually be checking our bedroom assignments.
“I brought takeout,” Hugo announced as I wandered into the kitchen. “You like sushi, right?” His hand paused as he started to reach into the bag and shot me a nervous look. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Yes, I love sushi.” I walked around him and grabbed a couple of plates from the cabinet and set them at the counter bar. “That looks delicious.”
“I figured I should help you get familiar with some of the really good local places.”
“Well, thank you for the education,” I said with a smile.
We sat down and ate in a silence that started to feel increasingly uncomfortable. What was going on with Hugo? He seemed… distant this evening for some reason. Ever since we’d started this arrangement, our time together had been easy and fun, with plenty of flirtation and chemistry. But instead of sizzling heat, I was feeling, well, cold.
“How was your consultation?” I asked, trying desperately to get something – anything – started.
“It went well. It’ll be a tough case, but I think we can handle it.” Hugo popped a piece of salmon in his mouth and didn’t seem interested in expanding his answer.
I cleared my throat and figured I’d just dive in.
“Have you talked to your lawyer at all about what we need to do for your immigration process?”
Hugo’s chopsticks crashed and clattered on his plate, and he looked visibly flustered.