I had to be strong – for myself and for my unborn child. No matter what the future held, I would face it head-on. And maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to heal my broken heart along the way.
I sat down at my desk, staring blankly at my computer screen. I had an exam to take for my class, but my mind was too preoccupied to focus.
What was I going to tell Seth?
My grandmother had warned me about Hugo and his family. I was a fool to think that our love could change something and reverse how damaged he was from his childhood.
Everything he had said about being there for me, no matter what, was all just a lie. And I just had to accept it.
Chapter 24
My hands trembled as I raised my hand to knock on the door of the hotel suite. My chest tightened at the thought of all the expectations placed on me by my parents; it was suffocating, an invisible noose around my neck.
But I was here to put an end to it once and for all.
I was still reeling from Simone’s pregnancy and walking out on her hurt like hell, but it was better than putting a kid through all the shit I had dealt with in my life. I just couldn’t do it, not even for Simone.
Dad answered the door. Relief flashed across his face when she saw me. He assumed I was here to make amends. That I was so terrified of not having Barone money, I would give in to whatever demands my dad made.
Well, he was fucking wrong.
I stormed into the suite, a smile spreading across his face like he thought he won. “I wanted to confirm how I felt before you went back to Italy. I don't want there to be any further questions. No further discussion. Take your money and so-called support. I don’t want it and I don’t need it,” I spat.
Dad’s face flashed to anger.
“Hugo, think carefully here. You’re making a big mistake.”
“No, I’m not, actually. This isn’t a mistake, it’s me taking control of my life. I’m tired of people thinking they can make decisions for me and that I’ll just fall into line. If your love for me depends on me doing what you want me to do, then I'm done. I don’t want to see you again.”
“I can’t believe you’re throwing your life away for some piece of ass, Hugo. You can find a million women with more to offer in Italy.”
“Simone is not some piece of ass,” I roared at my dad. “For the last time, you will show her some respect. I love her and she is the mother of my child.”
I bit my tongue at the confession, fully aware that I never meant to share that with Carlo.
“What the hell, Hugo? You’ve really fucked up this time. She has you trapped now, you know that?” Dad yelled.
“What, like Mom trapped you?”
“Hugo, you need our money now. She’s going to take you for everything you have. You have no choice, son. You have to come back to Italy.”
“No, I don’t, Dad,” I yelled, shaking my head. “I don’t actually have to do anything you say.”
“You’re acting like a fucking child,” he spat. “You’re throwing everything away. You will regret this, mark my words. I will destroy you.”
“This is too much. I’m out of here. Enjoy the rest of your stay and lose my phone number.”
I shook my head, running my fingers through my short, dark hair as I strode quickly to the door, slamming it behind me. In the elevator, my deep-set brown eyes glared back at me from the reflection in the metal doors. I needed a drink – no, several drinks. Fuck it, I'm living life on my terms from now on.
I made a beeline for a bar down the street.
"The next round of drinks is on me!" I called out, walking toward the bar. My tall, athletic build gave me a commanding presence as I sauntered up to the counter. The bartender glanced at me, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation in her eyes. It wasn't often that someone like me frequented this establishment. The bar patrons all roared in appreciation, lifting their glasses in my direction.
"Give me your strongest whiskey, neat," I ordered, my voice firm. As she poured me a glass, I couldn't help but admire the way the golden liquid shimmered in the dim lighting. Downing the first glass without hesitation, I slammed it back onto the bar and demanded another. And then another. And another.
"Fuck, Hugo, slow down," I told myself, shaking my head. The alcohol was already having an effect, and the room was getting a little fuzzy and my troubles started sinking away, out of my awareness. It was a good, chemically induced, wonderful feeling. I could feel my inhibitions slipping away, allowing me to forget about my parents and their goddamned expectations for once.