“No update.” The sadness in my voice was unmistakable, as confirmed by the groan on Lindsey’s end of the phone.

“Shit, Simone. I’m sorry. Is it bad? Things seemed… pretty awkward at the party. I didn’t want to say anything, but now I wish I had.”

I shook my head, even though Lindsey couldn’t see me over the phone.

“Everything will be fine. This whole situation is weird and awkward. It should be expected in a fake marriage, right?”

“Except, your feelings aren’t fake.”

“No, Linds. My feelings definitely aren’t fake. I thought Hugo had unfake feelings, too, but I guess I was wrong. Or he changed his mind. Whatever, I get to go to nursing school and build a real future for myself.”

“When’s your next day off? Whenever it is, we’re hanging out. We need a best friend's beach day.”

A small smile spread across my face at the thought.

“That sounds perfect. I’m going to have to adjust my schedule a bit to accommodate class, so I’ll text you when I know my next day off.”

I hung up with Lindsey and forced myself to slow down as I walked across campus. The sea breeze felt strong today, and it was especially warm. I tilted my face toward the sun, soaking up all the vitamin D I could, while hoping it would soothe the aching hole in my soul.

The effect was minor, but I was in a slightly better mood as I walked into the lab. I studied the syllabus that was handed out and tried not to feel overwhelmed. The class was going to be demanding, but I was here for myself and for my future. So, whatevs. Simone's got this. I laughed to myself. If I can handlea fake marriage to the hottest man in Boston, I can handle anything.

The class started to wind down and everyone was chatting and forming study groups at the instructor’s insistence. Apparently, it was the only way we’d survive the class.

“Hey, Simone. Do you want to join our group?” Emily, one of my classmates, asked. I must have been looking a little lost.

“I’d love to, thanks Emily,” I said, giving her a genuine smile. Two other classmates, Aidan and Maddie, were in the group and after we all exchanged numbers and promised to connect with schedules, I was finally walking out of the building.

The sun was setting as I trudged back to Hugo’s place. I couldn’t even think of it as home, and to me, that was the loneliest thought. He was, of course, working late again. I heated up a frozen dinner, pretended to watch TV, and went to bed for another restless night of sleep.

The next morning was the first day I ever dreaded going to work.

Hugo had been slammed lately and was mostly successful in avoiding me. I wasn’t sure if I hoped the pattern continued or not, but I wasn’t excited when Hugo asked me to come into his office.

“Simone, I’ve been thinking about something and we probably should have done this sooner,” Hugo started, looking very serious. “I think we should transfer you and have you work under Dominic. It doesn’t seem appropriate that you would still work for me, you know, with our relationship and all.”

I didn’t think my heart could sink any further than it had over the last few weeks, but apparently it had grabbed a shovel and found the dirt floor.

“Hugo,” I said softly, a plea – begging him for something, anything.

“I know, Simone. I know that we have a lot to talk about and I’m sorry I haven’t been around. We’ll talk tonight, okay? I don’t have to stay late, so let’s have dinner at home.”

I nodded, emotion clogging my throat.

“Please let me keep working with you, Hugo.”

Hugo sighed.

“Honestly, what does it even matter? You wouldn’t be the first man to fall for his assistant and besides, since this is all fake, we should be able to keep our working relationship real.”

Something flashed through Hugo’s eyes at that word – fake. Was it sadness? Regret? Confirmation? I couldn’t tell, but I hoped he would share with me later tonight.

“If it gets weird at all, please tell me,” he begged. I could only nod in response. “Okay, we’ll keep things as they are for now and see how it goes.”

“Thanks, Hugo.” My voice was thin and strained in my own ears. I slowly got up and left his office, barely noticing anything around me. The day passed by in a slow motion blur.

“Ready to go home?” Hugo’s deep voice cut through the misery that had been mounting inside of me all day. For some reason, the word home felt good having it come out of Hugo's mouth, like warm butter sliding around in my heart, making it glow.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I said with the first smile I had all day.