He shook his head.
“They will pretty quickly, though.”
The moment we stepped through the front door, a wave of opulence washed over me. Rich colors adorned the walls, and intricate chandeliers sparkled overhead. Our shoes on the marble floors announced our entrance, making me feel quite self conscious as the sound bounced off the walls in the huge entrance area. Family portraits lined the hallway, and it seemed as if each person was staring down at me, their eyes scrutinizing our every move.
"Simone, I don't mean to keep repeating myself, but I know my family can be a lot to handle. But I'll be right there with you," Hugo whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Thank you, Hugo," I murmured, my heart swelling with gratitude for his support. From what I had seen already, I was going to need it. My eyeballs were taking so much in and I felt tongue-tied already.
"Simone, come. Let's meet my family," Hugo beckoned, his warm hand encircling mine as he led me into the living room. I took a deep breath, not knowing what I was about to step into.
"Ciao, famiglia."
"Hugo!" It was strange hearing the Italian way to pronounce Hugo's name, which was more, "Ugo". I remember it from our childhood, but only faintly. His family rose to welcome him, and I stood back as each member gave him a warm hug and two kisses on his cheeks. They were all clearly excited to see him, as he hadn't been home for a very long time. Hugo turned to include me in the circle.
"Everyone, this is Simone," Hugo announced, his voice filling the grand room adorned with ornate furniture and priceless artwork. As I looked around, my heart began to race against my ribcage. Caterina, Carlo, Giuliana, and Giorgia stood in front of me, their gazes cold and unwelcoming.
"Hello," I said hesitantly, trying my best to smile warmly despite my churning nerves. "It's lovely to meet you all."
Caterina, a stunning woman in her mid-fifties with expertly sculpted features, gave me a cursory once-over before turning her attention back to her glass of wine. She glanced at my left hand, which Hugo had freed, and noticed the diamond.
"Ah, so this is the girl who has captured Hugo's heart," she drawled, a condescending tone lacing her words. “I guess congratulations are in order.”
"Indeed, she has," Hugo confirmed, squeezing my hand reassuringly.
Carlo, a stern-faced man, eyed me disapprovingly, making no secret of his distaste for my presence. "Well, we'll see if she lasts," he muttered, taking a swig from his own glass.
I fought the urge to shrink away from their harsh judgments, determined to make a good impression on Hugo's family. Swallowing hard, I tried to engage them in conversation.
"Your home is absolutely breathtaking. It must be wonderful to live here."
Giuliana and Giorgia exchanged smirks, their twin faces mirroring each other's disdain.
"It's not bad," Giuliana replied airily. "But then again, we're used to it."
Giorgia nodded in agreement, her eyes glinting with amusement at my obvious discomfort.
My cheeks burned with humiliation, but I refused to let their cruelty deter me.
"Thank you for having me," I said, my voice surprisingly steady despite the quivering in my knees.
"Of course, dear," Caterina replied, her smile as cold and artificial as the rest of her appearance. "After all,la famiglia è tutto."
I glanced at Hugo, seeking solace in his warm brown eyes. His reassuring smile spoke volumes, reminding me that he knew what his family could be like and yet, he was with me every stepof the way. Fueled by his support, I drew strength from within, determined not to be intimidated by his family's hostility.
"Your hair is lovely, Simone," Caterina said, her voice dripping with insincerity. "Is it naturally that way, or do you get it done?"
"Thank you," I replied, trying to ignore the sting of her words. "It's natural."
"Ah, I see," she said, exchanging a knowing glance with Giuliana and Giorgia. "I guessed as much."
"Simone, have you traveled much?" Carlo asked, his voice cold and detached.
"Um, not extensively," I admitted, shifting in my seat. "But I've always wanted to see more of the world."
"Such a shame," Giorgia chimed in, her eyes narrowed. "Travel broadens one's perspective. Wouldn't you agree, Hugo?"
Hugo, who had been watching me closely, cleared his throat.