“Thanks for the advice, boss,” I smirk, and make my way to the bed.

I remember the day I slightly dominated her. It was a heart-stopping moment for the both of us. I would like to recreate that, only this time, I would like to see how far we could go otherwise.

I keep the towel loosely wrapped around my waist. In this scenario, it’s excruciatingly difficult to keep myself flaccid, so I don’t even bother.

There’s too much heat in the room to do that, anyways. I let myself rise…and I make it visible to her.

“Remember what I said about putting me to sleep?” I cock an eyebrow at her as I stand at the foot of the bed.

She thinks about it for a while and her eyes darken and become dull with lust’s blunt strike.

“You need to exhaust yourself…Jordan.” She doesn’t even wait for me to come to her. She stands from the bed and makes her way to me.

We meet in the middle of the bed, and somewhere along the way, my towel falls off me.

I’m completely nude, while she struggles to get out of her own clothes. Our lips crash into each other in a hot, messy kiss.

“Ah…Jordan, I needed this!” she hisses when I move my lips away from hers and begin attacking the rest of her face, nibbling my way to her earlobes, and taking it into my mouth.

I suck at the sensitive spot behind her ears, earning myself a steamy moan that escapes her lips. At around the same time, I feel two perky points scrape against my chest. In curiosity, I pull back and have the pleasure to stare at her rosy hard nipples that decorate the soft swell of her enchanting breasts.

They’re a little fuller at the bottom than they are at the top, and that uniquely beautiful shape allows for those pink nipples to point at me.

They crave my tongue, and I give them what they need.

Rebecca arches her back and cries as the pleasure of my tongue ripples through her. It has probably been a while since she’d had a man this intimate with her, maybe even longer since she had someone treat her with so much delicacy.

She’s tender…so tender, that I can’t imagine her being treated with anything but care. Once my mouth is through with her breasts, it moves lower, until I reach her sensitive spot.

I push her gently into the bed, so that I can get a better view of my late-night snack.

“Jordan…it’s been so long since…” she pants. It’s best not to share such info with me. Besides, I already know.

“Relax, Rebecca. That’s what I want from you,” I coo, as I stroke her sensitive flesh lightly with the pads of my thumb.

She does anything but relax, but it’s not going to stop me. I won’t be discouraged from having my meal by the threat of an orgasm.

In fact, her spasms do nothing but egg me on, reveling in how much I affect her.

The worst…or should I say?best?come when I place my tongue on her.

She struggles like a gazelle pinned down by a leopard as the pleasure tears through her. At some point, I almost think that she doesn’t like it and I’m tempted to stop, but her hands grip my head in place to tell me not to dare.


I consider my meal finished when she’s crying from a crippling orgasm. And so, I drink. I slurp her sweet flesh and her delicious juices, basking in the sinfulness of the sounds that emanate from her mouth.

I love making her feel like this. I guess you can call this a new hobby.

Now it’s her turn to get away, as the climax’s build up collapses into her orgasm, but I don’t let her. She pushes against me, thrashing and scratching, as she convulses like she’s just had a seizure, but I don’t let go.

Not until every drop of her tasty fluids are inside me.

Rebecca seems far too sensitive for me to overload her with another orgasm, so I let her rest after my tongue works its magic. That would be all for now, at least, and we use the remaining time we have our week to bond over different conversations.

"Only serious note, though, I really envy your doggedness to work. I don’t think I could ever be that determined with it," I commend her, and while the determination on my part has been slightly exaggerated, I still think she’s an awesome worker.

She's dedicated to the cause and wouldn’t give up no matter what, even when she's fagged out.