I try giving myself a mental pep talk once I get into the room because I can’t believe what I just said. That I like Jordan? What hurts me the most is that even though it was said impulsively, it still contains the truth and nothing but the truth.

I like Jordan Hill.



"Skylar, I swear to you, if I come down and you aren't ready yet, I’m canceling the trip," I yell just to get her to come down on time.

There's no way I’ll cancel the trip even if I have to wait an extra hour for her to get ready.

"One minute," her tiny voice echoes through the open door of her room. Marie is the one dressing her, so it shouldn't even matter whether she's late or not. That would be Marie’s fault.

It could still be Skylar’s wrongdoing though, as I have witnessed her so many times make Marie change an article on her body because she didn’t like the color or the fit. Such a complicated girl for her age.

I wait the ten extra minutes it takes for her to calm down, and by the time she is ready, I must admit that it was worth the wait. She looks every part cute and every part ready to have some fun.

"Well, don’t you look beautiful," I commend her in my own grumpy way.

"Thanks," she giggles and takes the lead ahead of me to the car, which is the Cadillac. Before I leave, I turn to Marie. "Areyou sure you don’t want to come with us? I’m sure Rebecca wouldn’t mind,"

Ever since I tabled the offer of her coming along with us to the amusement park, she kept on declining, seeing that she had lots of work to do.

This would have been a nice time for Marie to catch a break, but she’s casually missing out on it. I guess to make up more time that she can spend with her family. In that context, it makes a lot of sense as to why she would decline a free amusement park visit.

"Where’s Mommy?" Skylar’s face scrunches up in confusion.

Rebecca did promise that she’d be here, but I don’t know why she’s taking time to come back from work. Skylar’s question reminded me, so I take my phone out of my pocket and make a call through to her.

Without any greetings or formalities, as usual, she dives straight into the point as she picks up.

"Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. You guys should go on without me. I promise to join you there; I’m almost done already," she rushes her words.

I would have loved to get a few more words in with her, but her rush indicates the urgency to end the call. I wouldn’t want to take her time further.

Besides, the faster she can get off the call, the faster she'll be done with the work she's attending to.

"Alright, no problem," I say and end the call.

"Is she coming?" Skylar asks me, waiting to hear the verdict of our phone call.

"Of course, she is. She’s going to meet us there," I reply and open the car to place her in her seat.

In thirty minutes, we are at the amusement park. It’s twilight into the evening, but the entire place is still bustling with life.

There are rides I can see Skylar literally salivating to go on, but here I am doing my very best to make sure she doesn't enjoy the best things in her mother’s absence.

Luckily for me, it doesn't take long for her mother to show up.

"Did I take too long? I’m so sorry, honey," she talks to both me and Skylar at the same time.

I didn’t think that office attire would look like the perfect clothing for a fun night, but I must say she doesn’t look too out of place.

True, she looks a bit formal, but I’m also wearing a suit, so we kind of match.

"You're right on time. We were just about to go on the Ferris wheel," I inform her.

"Well, it’s a good thing you guys didn’t go without me. I’d have been pissed," she giggles and begins walking towards the rides to purchase tickets. I do the purchase, and since Rebecca is here, I buy only two tickets for her and Skylar.