"If I tell you, you'd be surprised," I answer.

"Humor me."


Rebecca gasps and chuckles, "Well, that's new."

She then proceeds to collapse on the chair that I was sitting on before she came. I usually do this weird thing of standing up anytime she comes, just to honor her welcome.

She always found it weird, and I could tell from her looks any time she came back and saw me stand up. Now she has the liberty to address it.

"What, you're not going to sit?" she asks me and makes extra room for me to.

We are on a less formal level now, so I accept the offer.

"How was work?" I ask, looking for a way to dive into the conversation.

I would have continued the Skylar discussion, but that would take me nowhere near the information I want to extract from her.

"Terrible if I'm being honest, but at least I was able to tell Travis off," she answers smoothly, without any sign that she's uncomfortable with my question.


"Oh, just some guy," she tells me and then goes into a deep dive of what happened between the two of them.

In fact, she tells me all about the schedules of work she had to do today and how they all intertwined with her feelings and emotions.

If I could smile to reveal how content I am, I would have given the widest one.

I didn't even have to look for a way to probe her concerning Thomas's next movements. She hands the information out to me on a silver platter. I could never have been more grateful for my luck.

The rest of the time I spend with her is as interactive as can be, and I don't believe it myself, but Rebecca and I are getting along a lot more than I thought was possible.

Today, though, she allows me to leave on time, and we do not spend our recent time before bed. I guess it might have something to do with her recognizing my apprehension and figuring that I might need a break from all that today.

I really was excited about something, which is to share the news I got with Hakeem.

"I make a better detective than you," I state boldly as I burst in through the door, only to realize that Hakeem is asleep on the couch.

It's too late to correct myself and let him sleep because he immediately jumps like there's an intruder in the house.

"Yeah, what, what,Habibi...shawarma…"he mumbles nonsense, just waking up from his slumber.

"I'm sorry to wake you, but now that you're awake, I said I'm a better detective than you."

His eyes are still closed, and without opening them, he takes in a deep breath.

"No, no way," he replies simply. It's a statement that doesn't need to be argued, but I'm going to share my experience anyway.

"So, I found the perfect opportunity to attack Thomas and make him pay for my father’s death with his own life,” I cross my arms proudly.

“Good evening, Your High…” he starts to say, but I toss a couch pillow at him to silence him.

"Oh, please, enough with that already. You’ve said enough of that to last me for my entire time on the throne. Don’t worry, thanks to the info I have, it won’t be long now.” I jump excitedly onto the couch beside him.

“Well, what is it already? You’re giving me brain damage from anticipation,” he grumbles.

“Fine, fine, well, you know how I said I’ll get the details of our next move on Thomas?” I lead him on.