“You’re welcome.”

She chuckles. “You know you gave Skylar a kiss on the forehead. Am I going to get mine too?” Rebecca looks up, but not at me.

“Skylar is my good girl. You’re not,” I laugh.

“I gave you a glass of juice today,” she whines. She seems to be joking, though, so I don’t take it too seriously.

“That’s hardly enough to put you on my nice list,” I counter.

“Whatever,” she scoffs. “I don’t even want your kiss anyway.”

I notice as each second passes, that she’s falling a little asleep, up to the point where she’s practically drunk from the drowsiness.

I look down at my hand, to see it laced with hers?something I didn’t know I had done. It just happened unconsciously, just as it happens with Skylar.

“You know…you’re kind of…cute…” she babbles. “New Jersey in five monskeidss...” And other nonsense begins to spew from her mouth, and she falls into a slumber as deep as her daughter’s.

Before I go, I do the exact thing I did to Skylar.

A kiss on the forehead.

I don’t know why I did.

It just felt right.



Ifelt it yesterday.

I was just on the brink of sleep, in the subconscious plane and I felt his lips on my forehead.

Jordan kissed me goodnight.

I try to brush off the feeling of butterflies in my stomach all through the time I spend at work.

Don’t be foolish, Rebecca,I scold myself.He probably has a girlfriend.

The me inside is right it’s too early to be catching butterflies. Sometimes, I feel this is a flaw of mine.

In all my sophistication and with all the power I have, some way somehow, I still find myself powerless over the romantic advance of a man.

I haven’t talked to Travis since what happened at the restaurant. I didn’t want to ruin his original relationship with mine, that’s how good a person I am.

But at the same time, I’m sure he can tell that he has erred, so he doesn’t come to me for any form of explanation.

What good would that be?

I’m a hapless romantic, and it sucks that I am. That’s why after all is said and done, even after exercising my bossiness at work, when I come back home Jordan is beside my bed again to put me to sleep, just like he did yesterday.

“You know, I think I’ve just been unlucky with love,” I tell him as I fiddle with my new plaything?his tie.

“You don’t have to say that. People are too lucky to have you. That’s the problem.” He smiles patronizingly.

“You don’t really mean that.” I laugh.

“You’re right. I don’t,” he admits. “But that’s because I haven’t known you enough be conclusive. So far…you’re not so bad. As a person, that is.”