He nods.

“Well, I got it.” I smirk and wait for his reaction. He doesn’t give any. Hakeem just continues staring at me blandly. I prod him with my eyes, veritably asking him to say something, and he does the same back.

“Well, what was it? By the end of the month.”

I roll my eyes when I say this.

Hakeem is not the type of person to hold a conversation with when he is sleepy. He basically cares about nothing else other than the sleep he missed.

“Hakeem, by the end of the month, Thomas and Rebecca are going to go for some solo trip to some oil rig. I don’t know how, but I’m close enough with her now to convince her to take me along with her. She’s going to need some safety on that trip,” I break it down so that his sleepy head can understand.

When he does, I see a brief flash in his eyes showing that he understands that my plan is perfect. However, that flash disappears when he realizes he’d be validating me and my murderous intent.

“Well, I’m very happy you got this all figured out.” He shrugs. “I guess I’m even happier that the plan has very little to do with me.”

That is where my dear Hakeem is wrong.

“Oh,Hakeem… this plan has everything to do with you.” I grin from ear to ear. He uses both fingers to block the entrance of his ears so that he wouldn’t listen to what I’m about to tell him, but I’m sure he’s going to listen.

He has no choice.

It should seem like I would resume my normal routine of coming early in the morning and finishing my day in Rebecca’s house somewhat late in the evening.

That’s how it is for the next couple of days, and nothing really changes from there. Everything remains the same except Skylar’s love for me.

That one deepens.

One day, I’m a little surprised that Rebecca implores me to accompany her to work after we drop off Skylar in preschool.

The day started weirdly with her asking us to drop Skylar off first, and that’s when I knew things were going to be a bit different today.

“You really don’t mind, do you?” she asks. “Because I reason there’s very little, you’re doing at home till it’s time to go get Skylar again.”

I shrug and step out of the car. There definitely will be no harm in spending one day with her, provided it’s just one day.


We spend the rest of the morning in surprising bliss, tossing jokes between Gretchen and I and sharing ideas for certain circumstances.

She’s surprised at how versed in business analytics I am, and I understand she’s completely unaware of my degree in business management that I got from Stanford University.

I didn’t include it in my application for your bodyguard, of course. That would be a dead giveaway for something suspicious. I just let her attribute my knowledgeable inputs through a natural affinity for the business field.

Gretchen and I let her work after a while, and Gretchen takes me around the building. I’ve been here before, and she knows me, but we haven’t gotten to acquaint ourselves properly with each other.

“You know you speak very formally to be just a bodyguard. Do you have a degree or something?” she asks, clearly not blinded by any form of attraction for me to ignore my input.

I’ve been a bodyguard for going on six months now, and so with living a double life comes the ability to lie…pathologically.

“I had a father who was a businessman growing up; he ran his small set of shops that traded dollar goods. A costlymistake paired with the nasty inflation of that time crippled the business,” I come up with the lie off the top of my head.

“Oh, well, I’m sorry,” she mumbles.

“It’s cool, but that’s why I’m that good in business, I guess. I don’t even think I’m great. I just have basic knowledge.” I chuckle as we round a corner.

There we meet Rebecca coming towards us. She hasn’t seen us yet, but she’s obviously looking for someone. When her eyes come to rest on us, she almost immediately panics, as if we just caught her doing something wrong, and I think I know why.

“Oh, Gretchen, I uh…coincidence brought me to you. I need you in the office,” she says, trying to keep up the façade that she wasn’t keeping her eyes peeled for us.