Skylar tries to hurry out of her car seat to the front, but her mother’s strict hands stop her.

“It’s not safe, dear,” she huffs, pushing the girl back into her car seat and buckling her in.

Oh, now it’s not safe…

I start the engine and back out of the house, moving quickly, but at no life-threatening speed, down the road to her office, keeping my eyes peeled for any form of threat.

They’re unlikely, but it’s not uncommon. Otherwise, they wouldn’t need me.

Through Burton's way, there's a street we'd have to pass, where we'd directly in front of Thomas's house.

Stupid coincidence.

I don't miss the leering eyes of Thomas Hilbert as he’s dressed in his corporate work attire, ready to get in his car or something.

He’s been keen on seeing his daughter since the couple split, but Rebecca insisted I never let that happen.

I don't need telling from the accounts I’ve heard of him. The fact that he’s the very person I’m in America to kill is reason enough to keep his sweet, innocent daughter away from him.

I have no idea what his motives were for ending my father's life, but that's what I'm here to find out.

My goal is to kill him, but finding out why he killed my father is a bonus.

It’s a massive shame as a father to have someone need to keep your daughter away from you, but I’m sure Thomas's heart is too icy to care.

I noticed him following the car with his eyes up until we turned the bend into Mulholland Drive. I can tell Rebecca saw him too, simply based on how for the few seconds we're passing by the car is deathly silent.

I told you; I mentally accuse her.

Right now, the most important thing for me is making sure he doesn't get to lay his filthy eyes on Skylar. I feel like berating his mom, speaking my mind to her about how nonchalant and negligible she can be, but it's not worth it. She'd probably get too angry and fire me, and I need this job.

I need to see Thomas fall.

As soon as we reach Rebecca's office, she flies out of the car and takes off in the direction of the building, probably leaving Skylar with a kiss…I’m not sure.

Her dedication to keeping her father's company running is stellar, but her pushing Skylar aside is a little concerning, even though Skylar probably doesn't even care.

The one thing children need the most is attention. It doesn't matter where they get it from, as long as they get it. I was employed as a bodyguard, but so far, I've ended up having to work two shifts: one doing my job description, and the other acting as a caregiver.

Skylar does have her nanny, but Marie couldn't care less about anything that happens to her once she’s taken her meal and entered her room.

I wouldn’t blame Marie.

Marie has four children, all below the age of twelve. Rebecca didn’t seem to mind that I was by her child's side all the time, even though that wasn't my specific job.

I'm mainly supposed to be around the house, and only with Skylar when she's out. I guess to her, the more time I spent with Skylar, the safer she could guarantee her to be, which makes a lot of sense.

However, Rebecca didn't think about the unforeseen consequences that could stem from a deeper bond between a toddler and a total stranger, especially when said toddler has daddy issues.

As soon as her mother leaves, Skylar immediately scuttles to the front seat, but I shoot one of my dangerous glares, and she flies right back to her seat.

It's surprising that she's able to unbuckle herself from her seat, but I'm used to the level of intelligence and mischief that Skylar possesses.

"But I'm a big girl!" she whines loudly as she fiddles with the straps of her seat that I eventually have to stretch and buckle for her.

The drive to her preschool is shorter if we take the route we came from, but of course, I won't take that route.

That, however, isn't enough to guarantee our not coming across Thomas, as I immediately recognize his matte black Buick Enclave pulling up behind us just as we’re about to leave.