“I’m definitely looking for a woman.”

“Okay, I didn’t want to make any assumptions,” she says with a smile. “Let’s start with physical attributes. Do you have a particular type?”

“I require a taller woman. I don’t like to bend down for a kiss and walking with a shorter woman is always awkward because my stride is much longer.”

“Hmm hmm… What’s the minimum height you are looking for?”

“Five foot seven is my absolute minimum, though I really prefer five foot eight or taller.”

“Are you willing to explore the possibility of dating shorter women? A lot of the women in our database are a bit shorter than that but are completely amazing.”

“No, I’m not.” I tilt my head back and look briefly up at the ceiling.

I had dated several short women over the years and they were all very attractive but our differences in height were always problematic for me. I wasn’t going to “bend” on this requirement. It’s early on but I’m already getting the sense Sasha thinks I am being excessively picky.

Typing some notes into the computer, she continues with her questions. “What else? How about hair and eye color?”

“I prefer brunettes with light eyes.” I quickly reply. Hmm… I wonder if Sasha has clued into the fact that I have just describedher. I hope not. She might think I’m flirting with her.Am Iflirting with her?

“And age?”

“Anywhere from 24 to 34, which is my age, will work.”

She glances at me over her glasses. “A twenty-four-year-old woman is most likely in a very different place in life than you are. Are you sure that wouldn’t bother you?”

“She does need to be mature enough to accompany me to functions and events without embarrassing me. So, I guess it would just depend on the woman.”

I see the look of disapproval on Sasha’s pretty face and frown.

I feel my phone vibrate with an incoming call and check to see who it is. I put it back when I feel Sasha’s eyes on me.

She purses her lips and continues. “I’m guessing you have some dealbreakers? Things that you absolutely won’t tolerate?”

“Of course. Doesn’t everybody? I want someone who can stand on her own two feet. Someone with a lucrative career who isn’t just looking for money.”

“I assure you that none of our female clients are gold-diggers. We are a very exclusive service and we vet all our clients thoroughly.”

“I certainly hope so. I also detest smoking and I’m also not interested in being with someone who drinks excessively. I don’t like messy either, so I need someone who is organized and tidy.”

“Absolutely. And are you interested in having children one day?”

“Definitely not,” I say, shaking my head. “I have too much to accomplish in life to have children in the mix. Plus, I’ve never really been any good with kids.” The thought of trying to run my business with children in my life seems next to impossible. That’s more responsibility than I’m willing to take on.

“That will certainly narrow the number of clients that will match well with you,” she says somewhat sternly.

“Is that going to be a problem?” I ask, glancing down at my watch. Time is flying by and I really need to get working on this deal again before my next appointment this afternoon.

“It shouldn’t be, Mr. Sullivan. I’ll just have to turn over a few more stones to find your perfect match.”

“OK, then. I look forward to seeing who you come up with. I can’t say I really have high hopes for this process, but you were recommended by a good friend whom I trust.”

“I promise you we will do the best we can. We have an excellent reputation and we intend to keep that. That means that each and every client is of the utmost importance to us.”

I lean forward and start to get up, assuming the interview is over, but Sasha stops me.

“Oh, we’re not quite finished yet. I want to make sure I’ve got an accurate picture of your preferences.”

I drop back into the seat again, sighing.