Page 70 of Jump Back On

I pulled out of the event and headed the opposite way of the main traffic. It wasn't the same thing as missing it all, though. My phone was giving me directions, warning me the time was increased due to slow traffic, but I was already two hours late. What more would a few minutes do?

When I finally reached the hospital, I left the gear in my truck and headed in. The main doors were locked, proving it was later than I thought. Turning to the side, I slipped in through the emergency room, looking for someone who could tell me where to go.

"Can I help you?" a young lady asked.

"I'm looking for J.D. Adkins," I told her.

She nodded, then turned to a computer. "Fourth floor. Room 409."

So I looked around. "How do I get to the fourth floor?"

She giggled, smiling at me real pretty. "Well, if you go through those doors, you'll find an elevator up ahead on your right. When you get out, turn right again, and that'll put you at the nurse's station."

"Thanks, hun," I said, turning that way.

"Anytime," the girl mumbled behind me.

Yeah, I heard it. She wasn't my type, though. I liked my girls pretty, strong, and, well, a whole lot blonder. Kinda like Cody.

Her directions were perfect, at least. Before I knew it, I was stepping off on the fourth floor and following the sound of voices. That led me to a long counter, and from the women moving around on the other side, I was pretty sure this was the nurse's station.

"Can I help you?" This time, the woman was already behind a computer.

"J.D. Adkins?" I asked.

"Room 409," she said, twisting in her chair to point down the proper hall.

"You might want to make him anonymous, or however you do that," I suggested. "The event just ended, and the sports journalists should start calling soon, looking for updates on him."

The girl gave me a confused look. "On Mr. Adkins?"

"Ever heard of the PBR?" I asked. "Professional Bull Riders. That man's the high point earner. He's famous in those circles, and his accident was broadcast to a few million people. The press, fans, and others will try to get in there."

"Oh," she breathed. "Ben!"

A middle-aged man turned at her call. "Yeah?"

"This man's saying we need to consider press for a patient."

That had his complete attention. "Ok, what's going on?"

So I repeated all of that. Thankfully, this guy had at least heard of the PBR, even if he didn't follow it. Still, he could see where I was coming from. Nodding, he leaned down to the girl by the computer and started telling her who to call.

But when I moved to head to J.D.'s room, he stopped me. "Visiting hours are over," he warned me.

"I'm here to help the visitors, then I'll get out of your hair," I assured him. "Not sure if they have rides or not."

The man's eyes dropped down my body, then he nodded. "Ok. Just don't get me in trouble?"

"Gonna try not to," I promised.

I wasn't quite sure if he'd checked me out or sized me up. Either was possible. Still, since he'd let me go, I was going to take it as a win. But when I reached the door, I tapped gently and cracked it open. On the other side, I could hear voices.

"You covered?" I asked as I stepped into the room.

"He's out," Cody answered.

Yeah, that was the voice I wanted to hear. Closing the door behind me, I moved further into the room, aware these things were shaped a little too much like our hotel rooms. Yet as I rounded the corner, it wasn't her I saw first. No, it was Jake.