Page 59 of Jump Back On

I shook my head, not following along.

"His gear," Ty clarified. "Where did you two set up? Show me, then you go to Sports Medicine to make sure he has someone there to hold his hand, ok?"

I nodded and turned for the stairs. "We set up between the bulls."

"Figures," he grumbled, but Ty followed right behind me.

Yet with a task assigned, I felt like I could focus. Ok, maybe I had tunnel vision, but doing something was much better than waiting. Overhead, I could hear the announcer talking about how good our sports medicine team was, and saying things meant to fill the silence while they worked.

I wove between the pens, following those narrow alleys until I reached the spot where we'd dropped our bags. Seeing J.D.'s laying there, I remembered one more thing. He'd told me the code to his phone. He'd said something about his mother!

"Shit," I breathed, dropping to my knees so I could get that.

"Cody?" Ty asked.

"His phone," I breathed.

"And you're going to need yours." He bent for my bag, pulling mine out from the bottom. "Don't worry about the rest. I'll handle it, ok?" And he held out my phone.

Suddenly, a cheer erupted in the arena. It wasn't the wild and enthusiastic kind. Nope, this was the type meant to encourage, and the announcer was trying to make them yell a little louder, saying something about how J.D. could hear them.

That meant he was walking out, right? It had to. Or maybe being carried out, but I didn't want to think about that. Hell, if J.D. was hurt that bad, what was I supposed to do?

Clutching one phone in each hand, I was out of tasks and wasn't sure what came next. Thankfully, Ty turned me and clasped my shoulders, driving me forward. Step-by-step, we made our way out of the livestock area and back into the main halls. There, Ty turned me again, pausing before a metal door.

"Sports Medicine," he said, tipping his hat towards the door.

I felt like I stumbled forward, but that was my own motion. Pulling open the door, I slipped inside and saw J.D. laying on a stretcher propped up on a table, right in the middle of the room. His shirt was open. His glove, spurs, and more were in a pile on the ground. Worse, there were people all over him.

"Cody," Tanner said, seeing me standing there in horror.

"How bad?" I asked, the words a whisper.

"Not good," he admitted. "Sounds like he's going to the hospital."

"Fuck," I breathed. "I have to call his mom!"

"You've got time," Tanner assured me. "Let's find out what's going on first."

I just nodded, unsure of what else I could do. I'd seen plenty of bad wrecks in my time, but never anything like this. Well, I'd never seen this part, at least. I was sure some of those guys had been in a similar situation, but back home this part happened in an ambulance!

"Cody!" Doc called out, seeing me. "Over here."

I pressed the phones at Tanner, fumbling in my panic, and hurried over to Doc. "Yeah?"

"Here she is," Doc said, looking down at his patient.

"Cody?" J.D. whispered, sounding like he couldn't get out much more.

"Hey," I said gently, thrilled to see he was conscious. "You're going to be ok, right?"

He gasped, looking like it was the most painful thing he'd ever done. "Fuck," he groaned on a partial exhale. "Yeah, I'm fucked bad."

"We're getting him ready for the ambulance," Doc told me. "J.D. says you're his emergency contact. You ok with that, Cody?"

"Uh huh," I agreed quickly. "And I got your phone, J.D."

"Make sure Mama knows I'm ok?" he asked.