"Yeah, it does," I agreed. "Thing is, ain't none of us that aren't assholes on this tour."
"'Cept Cody."
Yeah, I had to give him that. I also hadn't expected it. Shit, if I was honest, I hadn't expected any of this. Ty was supposed to be pissed, blame her for everything, and want to ruin us. That was how it went with breakups.
This? It wasn't at all what I'd expected. He was in love with her? Fuckinglove?That was a big fucking deal, and I was pretty sure he didn't throw that word out carelessly. The real question was what I wanted to do about it.
Should I tell Cody? Naw. That'd make her feel like she had to forgive him. Should I tell Ty to keep trying because he had a chance to get her back? Maybe, but that wasn't real fair neither. I wasn't so sure he did, simply because Cody didn't wanna talk about it. She acted like she might be willing, though.
"So you're gonna fix your shit to get her back?" I asked.
Ty shook his head. "Nope. I'm gonna fix my shit because it needs to be fixed."
My eyes narrowed. "Why?"
He laughed softly. "Because that's what Hannah said I need to do, basically. She tends to be right too. That woman gets it, so if she says to jump, I'm gonna be jumping." Then he pulled in a breath. "J.D., how's she doing?"
He nodded. "I heard about Austin. Didn't get all the details, but heard enough. She gonna be ok?"
"Shit," I drawled. "It's Cody. She took her official PBR pictures right after. Ain't nothing stopping that girl."
"Which isn't the same as being ok," he pointed out.
And yeah, he had a point. "Well," I said, thinking as I talked, "she was hurting pretty bad. Had her sucking on my vape for a couple days there. Doc really doesn't want her on pain killers because most are opiates, but I'm chewing through my cannabis pretty damned fast."
"I bet," Ty said around a chuckle.
"Worth it, though." I paused. "But she's ok. Not good. Not great. Right now, I think she's very ok. She's pissed about her scores last weekend. She's hurt because of you. She keeps saying she wishes she could rewind things and start Cheyenne over, ya know?"
"No shit," Ty agreed.
"But if you really are in love with her," I said, lifting my eyes to make sure he was listening, "then you'll stay the hell out of her way this weekend. Don't fuck with her, Ty. Don't try to get her back, don't suck up and get her distracted. Just give that girl a little fucking respect, and let her be a damned bull rider for once."
"I can do that," he agreed. "And J.D.? The shit with you and Tanner? No one's gonna hear it from me. If you need some backup, I'm willing to step up. Things between me and Cody? They went sideways, and I get that. Doesn't mean you're not still my friend, ok?"
My entire body felt like it paused. My throat got all tense and stupid. My heart hung for a moment. What he was saying might be all casual, but it hit me hard. It also sounded real fucking honest.
"Yeah?" I asked, my voice a bit higher than I liked.
Ty just nodded slowly. "Swear to God. You're a good man. I always thought you had a screw loose, but I'm starting to figure out that maybe you're the only one of us who doesn't. I think Cody's damned lucky to have you as a mentor - however the fuck you two decide to define that."
I had to look away. Fuck, he was hitting me right in the feels. "Yeah?"
"Just take care of her," Ty said. "You take all your fucking crazy, and you use it to make sure no one fucks with her, because they will. That shit in Cheyenne won't be the end of it. Austin and his buds don't really like her being here."
"She said she thought they were gonna rape her."
The sound that came from Ty's throat mademyballs crawl higher. It sounded like something feral. Like a monster that shouldn't be set free. Fuck, it kinda sounded like me most days.
"I'll kill 'em first," he grumbled.
"Same," I promised. "Tanner too. They crossed the wrong line when they went after her, Ty. All fucking bets are off. If they come at her again, I'm gonna hurt 'em bad enough they can't do it again."
"Only if I don't get there first," he said. "I'm her protector, remember? I made it real clear I'm gonna keep her safe. I didn't fucking say it was only good while she was fucking me. I said I was gonna protect her, and I'm not done yet."
"Yeah..." I breathed. "Maybe you are a good guy, Ty McBride."