Page 167 of Jump Back On

"J.D.," Jake explained. "And I know how to do some mental math. So..." He knelt down, putting us closer together so he could lower his voice. "J.D.'s bi. He told me. Tanner's your boyfriend. Gonna go out on a limb and guess he's not straight in some form or fashion, just because of the rumors. You're with both of them, and from the way things went down in Cheyenne, Ty was involved somehow but got evicted, huh?"

"Too close," I admitted.

Jake just nodded. "Kinda explains all the parts I've been missing." Then he laughed. "And good for you, Cody. I know I wouldn't kick two women out of my bed. So far as I care, being in the middle, part of the sandwich, or whatever you three are doing? It's working. For the first time since I've been with the PBR, J.D. doesn't scare the shit out of me, and that?" He pointed at my face. "All you, cowgirl."

"So who left the rope?" I asked.

"Short guy," he said. "About your size. Wears green and blue." His lips were spreading into a massive grin. "It was Emilio, but he wasn't the only one. Tim Moore, Wes Gilbert, Kaleb Brown, and a few others were all with him."

"And you?" I asked.

Jake shook his head. "I mean, I chipped in, sure. I didn't organize it or push for it, though. I can tell you a whole bunch of these boys decided to get it for you after you punched the shit out of Austin."

I just shook my head and laughed. "Really?"

"Yeah, they said getting your rope greased is shit. Ty told them what you use. Well, used. When you went right, they decided to flip the handle, and yeah. But it's supposed to be more like a secret admirer thing. I just know I'd be paranoid if it was me, so I'm letting you know it was meant as a sign of respect."

"But..." I huffed. "Jake, why?"

"Because you're still here," he explained. "They've all been shit on too, Cody. See, that's what I was trying to tell you. The culture of this place? It's nothing but bullying and excess. Too much drinking, fucking, and bad decisions. All too often, those things hit the next day when the hangovers are at their worst, and the new guys are punished for it. And now here you are, giving them something to cheer for instead of chase off."

"Well, yeah, but the PBR's trying to chase me off," I pointed out.

"No," he assured me. "I'm pretty sure the PBR isn't. I think it's a very small handful of assholes. Austin, his minions, and a couple of the officials. The real old-school types. The ones whose dicks hurt if a woman can keep up. The rest? Well, let's just say someone upstairs was on your side, because those videos Ty asked for? They played both of them."

The breath slid from my lungs as his words began to sink it. "So Ty had this planned?"

"Don't think so," Jake said. "I think someone up there is going to get his ass chewed for it. I'm willing to bet he'll say he couldn't refuse, not with Ty making a stink. He'll probably get yelled at, but he won't get fired." Then Jake flicked his brows like he had even more. "And it's the same guy who handles the music."


"The one who shut the sound off when you were screaming at the judges," he clarified. "See, Cody, that's the thing. You've got quite a few of us on your side. It's starting to show, so when you see the press, you make us proud, ok?"

"The press," I breathed, pushing to my feet. "I need to find Max!"

"I'll watch your gear," Jake promised. "Kinda think most of these guys will too from now on."

"Thanks!" I said even as I hurried away.

The last time I'd seen Max, he'd been in the stands with J.D. and everyone else. Grace was probably with him too - and I hoped she still was. I needed to make sure they were on board with this, because Anthony's words still rang in my mind.

I needed to become a sensation, but I still had no idea how to make that happen. Ty's speech sure had helped, though. Granted, I wasn't sure if that made me more of a spectacle, but was there really any difference? That was why I needed Max's input before I did something stupid.

I was halfway to the ramp up to the stands when a camera appeared in my face. Beside it was a very pretty woman smiling into it. Grabbing my elbow, she stopped me in my tracks.

"Cody Jennings, we all heard what Ty McBride said out there. Do you think he has a valid point?" she asked before pointing the microphone at me.

"I think," I told her, "that fans of bull riding should watch the videos of my rides for the last few weeks. I think they should look at the scores, compare them to Ty's rides, and then decide for themselves."

"So you're saying the judging has been biased?" she pressed.

"I'm saying I'm a bull rider," I clarified. "My job is to stay on the bull for eight seconds and do it as clean as possible. The rest? That's up to the public to decide. I'm not a judge, and I came in second place tonight, so I'm not whining. I also know I'm the first woman to ever make it this far." I smiled and leaned closer. "I plan to go all the way, too."

"Well, there you have it!" the woman told the camera as her hand finally released me. Taking my chance, I slipped around her and kept going. Over there, I saw a cluster of hats that looked familiar. They were moving slow, which probably meant J.D. was with them. Sure enough, Dad, Tanner, Max, and Grace were all placed around the guy, making sure no one bumped him too hard.

"Max!" I yelled, lifting my hand. "Daddy!"

My dad heard me and pointed, shifting them all my way. I grinned, aware of the chaos going on around us. Guys were laughing. Some were cussing. Plenty were talking, making it loud as fuck back here, but that was part of the fun, wasn't it?