Page 160 of Jump Back On

"Kinda proves I'm not gay, huh?"

"Kinda proves that whatever the three of you have is working," he countered. "And this is me making it very clear I'm not worried about restrooms. I'm not worried about men sleeping with men. I don't care about any of that shit. I got my own shit to deal with."

I reached up to scratch at my beard, aware I needed to trim it up again. "What shit you got, Jake?"

"Daddy issues." He smiled. "Fucking dead serious too."

My eyes narrowed. "How come?"


"How come you got daddy issues?"

"Because a bull rider knocked my mom up. He was on tour, she got treated like a buckle bunny, and when the PBR rolled out of town, no one ever checked to see what they'd left behind. Nine months later, I showed up."

"Bet that happens a lot," I pointed out.

"Yep," he agreed. "But to a little boy growing up knowing his daddy was a bull rider? Well, guess what he wanted to become? And when he finds out that the reason Daddy never came back was the wife he had while he was fuckin' my momma?" Jake canted his head. "Daddy issues, J.D."

"What rider?" I pressed, because he was working his way around this just a little too easily.

When Jake's body stilled, I knew I'd just hit the nail on the head. The who was more important than the what, it seemed. Jake tossed out his story like breadcrumbs to lead us off the trail of the real issue. Huh. Kinda like how he'd been a typical dumbass when it came to gay.

"Who are you really?" I asked instead, pretty sure he wouldn't name his father. "You're playin' a whole lotta mind games, and you've been real friendly with my rookie, so spill, Jake, or I'll start swinging."

"You're too hurt to do much right now," Jake countered.

So I smiled, and it was not the sweet and friendly kind. "You wanna put money on that?"

"Not really," Jake relented, taking one more step back. "Look. My old man knows I'm here. Thing is, he's here too, and he doesnotwant me letting anyone know he's my father. Thing is, I can use that to help Cody."

"But why would ya?" I pressed.

Jake licked his lips, his eyes searching mine. "Because I grew up wanting to be a bull rider to make my father proud. I made it here and realized my father really is the piece of shit my mother said he was. He might even be worse. And I want to make that fucker pay. He left us poor and struggling. My entire life was shit because he couldn't even send a damned check to help out, so fuck him. And the only way I have to bring him down?"

"Cody," I realized.

Jake nodded slowly. "She's the rider he can't control. Thing is, she's doing a damned good job of showing the other riders how to be just like her. I'm pretty sure Ty's off the rails now. You? Well, you've always been a loose cannon, but it was fights and drama the PBR loved. Now? It's different. Something's changed, J.D., and I'm not sure if it's Cody or Tanner."

"Or both," I offered.

"Both would probably work," he agreed. "So take my apology, ok? I'm sorry. I had no idea you were whatever you are. Gonna guess it's not gay, but I'm also pretty sure it's not straight."

"Nope," I said, watching his face hard.

But instead of tensing like I'd expected, Jake actually relaxed. A little hint of a smile found his lips, and his eyes jumped up to mine. They flicked from one side to the other, and then his smile grew a little more.


"Wanna fight about it?" I asked.

"Nope," he said, letting out a chuckle. "And it's none of my business, I get that. I've just..." He shoved a hand across his mouth. "Fuck. Ty's right."

"Huh?" Because he'd just lost me.

"Cody has a way of getting under our skin. I mean, shit. This?" He laughed again, ducking his head to reset his hat this time. "Man, it's like she's kinda focused us, you know?"

"Not at all."