Page 97 of Jump Back On

"Get off my chute," I growled.

Surprisingly, he did. The men working the gate shifted into position, letting me know I was free to leave as soon as I was ready. My eyes dropped down to Goliath's brindle back. I saw the spot where my ass would fit, and today I was J.D.'s rookie.

Pulling my feet from the rails, I dropped down onto the bull's back and slid into position in a single movement. Goliath felt it, but I was already nodding.

The bull went up. Way up. The problem was that he didn't go forward. This beast reared in the chute, forcing me to curl up against his withers before he exploded out sideways. My head snapped up at the force of his movement, getting me out of position, but fuck that.

I needed eight seconds. I was going to do this come hell or high water. So using my free hand, I flung myself back into position, using the bull's bucks to get me there. My knees were locked onto Goliath's sides, but he was slinging me around like a damned ragdoll.

"Ride it!" I heard, my father's voice carrying down to the arena. "Get in there, Cody Lane!"

So I pushed my damned heels down, shoving my weight - and all this bullshit - down into my boots, and I rode for all I had. Goliath plunged forward, then looked to the right and dropped his left shoulder. My ass slipped again.

I felt my pockets pressing against hair. That meant I was too far back. When the bull kicked his heels up, his ass hit my back, jerking me to the end of my arm. It hurt. Gritting my teeth, I flexed my bicep and pulled with every ounce of strength I had, forcing my crotch back up against this thing's withers. Back where I was supposed to be.

Goliath didn't like that. Grunting, he slung his head and doubled back the other way, trying to slip me off the side again. I leaned, and this time my arm jerked hard. Pain flared up from my elbow, so I gripped my knees even harder, refusing to give in.

I wasn't going down. I should've. Oh, this bull was better than me, but I wouldnotquit! If he wanted me off, he was going to have to force me off. I didn't give a damn if this ride was pretty. I just needed to see the clock hit eight!

The next buck hurt worse. Every time my arm extended, it felt like someone was stabbing me right in the funny bone. My shoulder was screaming in agony too, the pain lancing all the way up my arm as the rope held me in place when my body didn't want to stay. I could feel myself getting slung all over, but I managed to keep my face away from this bull's head.

I also kept my free hand up, out, and nowhere near the animal's hide. Another buck, nearly snapping my head up again, and then Goliath went for the spins. Around, then around again, he flattened out a little, but the sheer size and power of this animal was more than I could hold onto. I could feel my hand slipping. I could feel my searing elbow begging to give out.

I clenched my fingers harder. Every rear was a chance to relieve the pressure. Every kick hurt like a sonofabitch, but I knew how to hold on. I knew how to stick to this thing's back. My heels were now up but my knees were on. Even as I slipped back, my seat shifting to the middle of the bull's back, I would not give up.

And then the lights flared. The buzzer went off. Tanner rushed in, putting himself in position to take over this bull. I could see green at the edge of my vision proving I'd hit eight, so I scrambled for the tail of my rope, hoping I'd be able to untangle myself before I got slung.

It didn't happen. I got the rope out from between my fingers, but Goliath turned again. I went right. The bull went left. That aching elbow turned into pure agony as it twisted too far, and for a split second, my hand refused to come free. I felt my feet hit the sand, and while I was trying to get them under me, get my rope off, and get out of this, everything suddenly went limp.

The rope came free and I collapsed. Trying to catch myself, I shoved my left arm down, but it didn't hold. Ice. Fire. Stars. I could barely think over the pain taking over my left side, but I still tried to roll, knowing I needed to get out of the arena.

Then, "Down!" Tanner yelled, and I knew Goliath was coming back for his pound of flesh: mine.


Cody floppedagainst the side of her bull for a moment, and then just dropped. When she hit the dirt, she stayed there, but Goliath noticed. I almost had him pointed at the gate, but one of those lights moving on the ground caused him to turn - and she was right there.

The bull charged.

I ran, screaming, "Down!"

Cody wasn't getting up, and I would not do this again! Pushing my legs as hard as they could go, I ran like I'd never run before. Just as the beast's head dropped, my girlfriend right in his sights, I dove. My body crashed down over hers, and then Goliath slammed into me hard.

I felt as he thrashed, but my impact protection was better than hers. The horns were solid, not painful. His head-slinging shoved us around, and Cody yelped in pain. That meant she was hurt. Not dazed, not slow to get up, but actually hurt.

Then Goliath decided to add his feet. I saw the first one slam down right beside my thigh. The next landed on the other side, proving he was right over us.

"Ha!" Jorge yelled, kicking dirt in my face as he moved in to grab the bull's horn.

I heard a snort and then something hit my back hard. Fuck, that was a back leg, but Goliath was moving. A glance showed Jorge and Isaac dancing around him, slowly but surely moving him off us.

"Cody?" I begged, rolling off her so I could see if she was ok. "We gotta move, baby."

"Yeah," she panted, shoving her right hand into the dirt to push off with.

Her left was pressed tight against her waist. Her eyes were blown, pupils large, proving she was feeling it. The helmet on her head made it obvious as she looked around, trying to identify her exit, so I pointed. "Chutes," I ordered.

She went that way, so I turned back for the bull. "Let's go!" I called, letting my guys know I was with them.