Page 38 of Jump Back On


Behind the chutes,the PBR had a whole group of cattle panels set up. Those led to the pens where the bulls were kept. Between them were paths, and among those paths were smaller areas where we could group up. J.D. and I found a nice place and claimed it as our own.

"Why don't you ever use the locker room?" I asked as I hung my bull rope up to start warming it up.

He matched me, pulling out his glove and rosin as well. "The cameras are in there."

"And?" I pressed.

"And I got a mouth on me that don't do so good on prime-time TV," he explained. "Besides, let the little guys get some interviews. I don't need no one askin' why I'm riding good or bad or eating dirt. I don't need someone's wife giving me sideways glances when I pull off my shirt. I'm here to work, so I wanna have some me time."

I chuckled at that, but my eyes were on my rope. "I don't want them to ask about me being a girl. The questions are always stupid."

"So stop answering that question," he said. "When they shove a mic in your face, ignore what they ask and just tell them about how that bull was ranked, or how you compensated. Maybe say something about God, a little about your daddy, and smile real pretty."

"Really?" Because I'd never considered that.

J.D. glanced over to flash me one of his devious little smiles. "They used to ask me about fights. I'd answer about riding or bulls. I ended up with some pretty good lines too."

"Like what?"

"Behind the chutes, things can get heated, but that's just because we're all trying our hardest out here. The PBR is the toughest sport on dirt, after all." And he flicked his brows up, making it clear that was an entire load of bullshit.

"Nice," I breathed. "Mind if I steal that?"

"All yours," he promised. "You can also use the one about how you aren't letting anything else distract you because you're here to go all the way to finals, and how you plan to be the one earning the gold buckle, because you think you got it in you."

"They'll just ask me if I honestly believe I can do that as a woman," I pointed out.

He chuckled once. "Then you look right in that camera, Cody, and you say yes. You make it real clear you ride better than those boysbecauseyou're a girl."

"And they'll laugh that off," I countered.

"Then you explain how your center of balance is low. Your body is short. You don't weigh as much but you are just as strong. You got the advantage, and if we wanna underestimate you because you're a woman, then that's our problem, not yours."

I just nodded, still pushing rosin into my rope and glove. "Ride like a girl," I said softly, mostly to myself.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Ride like a girl, Cody, because ya really do got the advantage. You sit up there real pretty. You make it look easy. Every chance you get, you tell them that - whoever will listen. You fucking scream it to the world, and it won't take long before someone else starts sayin' the same shit."

"Like you?" I teased, giving him the smile this time.

He looked over, his dark eyes holding mine so sweetly. "Like me, like Wes, and like a few other guys who don't hate ya. Yeah, I mean just like that." Then his eyes jumped over and his face fell. "Fuck."

I turned just in time to see a flash of red and yellow. Those colors were unique enough I knew it meant Eli Tripwood. Naturally, Austin Chambers was right beside him, along with Casey Davis. The only one missing from that group was Derek, and he'd been suspended for the week.

"Looky here!" Austin said as he sauntered past. "Cody's got another guy in some dark corner. How much you payin' her to throw her scores, J.D.?"

"Fuck off," I grumbled.

The asshole laughed, knowing he was getting under my skin. "Surprised you came back, Cody." And he stopped right behind me, moving in too close for my comfort. "I told you once. I'm not going to tell you again. Stay away from the PBR. It's good for your health."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, lifting my chin as I turned to face him. "How's your health, Austin? That bruise on your face is still a little green."

He grumbled and moved closer. "Your boyfriend - "

The sound of a knife clicking into place made us all look over at J.D. He stood there with his manic grin, holding one hell of an impressive switchblade down by his hip. When he had all of our attention, he jerked his chin at those three.

"You wanna play again, Austin?" he asked, moving closer. "Wanna dance? Because I can pay fines all day long. I can even take a suspension - and I'll still be in first place. Try me, you dumb shit, because I don't care none about the damned rules."