"Not yet."
"You sure about that?" I asked as I pushed to my feet. "Because I came here to give you a what-for. Cody wants to know why you did that to her. I was gonna find out and then chase your ass so far from her she'd never have to think about you again."
"But you're not, eh?" he asked.
I shook my head. "Nope. I think I might want you real close to her. Just don't be a dumbass again, get me?"
"No promises," he said, "but I'm sure as shit gonna try to pull my head outta my ass. It's just that it's been up there so long, I'm not sure I know how."
"Yeah, well, I think you might be figuring it out faster than you know." Then I turned for the door.
But just as I reached for the handle, Ty said, "I'm serious about helping, J.D. If you needanything, you let me know."
"Gonna hold ya to it," I said as I pulled open the door, because I had a bad feeling things weren't going to get any easier yet.
I wasn'tsure where my week off had gone, but it was over. Friday morning, bright and early - which wasn't really either - the three of us pulled into the Des Moines convention center. There was a big sign on the top for some bank. Evidently, they'd bought the naming rights to this place.
But it looked nice. It was also enclosed, unlike Cheyenne. From my limited experience, I liked the indoor events the most. The lighting was better, the footing was more consistent, and the setup gave the bulls more room to work without getting all over us.
J.D. found a spot close enough to make the walk short, and the three of us piled out. We all had a gear bag filled with our supplies, hats on our heads, and looked ready to rumble, as they liked to say. I felt tough. Determined. Maybe even like I had something to prove.
"It's gonna be a good weekend," J.D. said as we reached the doors. He sounded like he was deciding that right as the words came out.
"We'll make sure of it," I told him. "I figure the judges just had trouble seeing me in Cheyenne because I'm smaller than the rest of you boys."
Tanner chuckled. "I can go with that. Although the pink does make you stand out."
"Girls do it better, baby," I teased, quoting my shirt.
He flashed me a grin and turned up the hall. "I gotta go meet up with my guys and get the pads on."
"Hey!" I stopped him before he could get too far. "You just gonna walk out of my life, Tanner?"
He paused, the tip of his tongue traced the corner of his mouth, and a devious look claimed his face. "Saying you want something, Cody?"
So he dropped his bag and marched right up in my face. Without hesitation, this man cupped my cheek and kissed me the way a woman longs to be kissed. Soft, sensual, and deep. He kissed me just enough to make me melt into him, and then pulled back to meet my eyes.
"Show the world what it means to cowgirl up," he whispered before stealing another kiss.
Then he turned and walked back down the hall, snagging his bag off the floor without stopping. J.D. and I just stood there, watching him go until he was out of sight. The best part, however, was how I was pretty sure J.D. was thinking exactly the same thing I was.
"That was hot," I muttered.
"Mhm," he agreed. "I think that boy's figured you out."
"Oh?" I turned to look at J.D. "How do you figure?"
He flashed me a wicked grin. "Because I saw you just go gooey." And he mimed pawing at an invisible chest, leaning in, and swooning. "Oh, Tanner... You're so amazing, Tanner!"
I laughed. "Yeah? That's how you think it went?"
"Sure did in my head," he said, winking slyly. "What? Let a man have his daydreams, girl. Cuz, so you know, he was naked in that whole scene my mind just played out."
"I like the way you think." I laughed, slapping his arm and jerking my chin deeper into the building. "So where do we check in?"