Page 96 of Spur It On

"But which one?" he pressed. "You'd pick her, wouldn't ya?"

I was just high enough that the answer fell out before I could stop it. "Yeah."

He nodded, but the crazy thing was that he didn't look upset. "Kinda what I figured. You're that into her, but you keep backing off."

"What about you?" I asked, deciding to even this up.

Tanner tried to blow that off. "Fuck, not even the same."

"Sure it is. Which one?"

He shrugged. "I'm pretty sure I couldn't pick. I also haven't dated a girl in a real long time."

"Oh, so you like men better?" I caught his side and tugged, encouraging him to come closer. "That's kinda sexy."

"I've been with more guys," he clarified. "Not necessarily a like thing. More of an opportunity thing. J.D., no one recognizes my face. I can hit a gay bar and not become a spectacle. Hooking up with a girl? I promise most of them have no interest in the Red Bull RV - or my roommates."

"There's that," I conceded. "Wait, why?"

"Why what?"

"Are we talking about this," I said, proving just how high I was. "And why aren't you pissed at me?"

"Because I don't have a fucking clue how to be a boyfriend," Tanner explained. "To anyone. I'm just kinda hoping you'll help me out the way you are with Ty. I know you're all about Cody. I like that you'll fess up to it. Makes me think I might have a chance at becoming even with her one day."

So I closed my eyes and felt my lips curling into a smile. "Yeah, Tanner. I just get her. She gets me. You? I think you're hot, but you don't let no one see what's deep inside. Not yet."

"I'm working on it," he said softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Go to sleep, J.D. That bull hit you hard. I think you deserve it."

"Mhm..." I agreed, and that was the last thing I remembered.

Until I woke up the next morning to my alarm screaming that it was gonna be an early start. Sundays always were. Sundays in Cheyenne were worse. Unfortunately, my high didn't last all night. The aches were back, the sound coming out of my phone was fucking loud, and I was moving real damned slow.

Then the flash of a bare ass proved Tanner was already out of bed and taking care of it. The sound stopped, and the view was amazing. He turned back to see me watching and smiled. His dick was half hard. His thighs were the kind I could get a real good grip on. His chest? Damn. That sweet Midwestern boy looked like candy when he was naked.

"Get up," Tanner told me.

I just glanced down. "Am. Kinda the problem."

Which earned me a laugh. "Just tell me you don't get high before you ride?"

I shook my head and pointed at my main bag. "Naw, but in there's some pills."

"What kind of pills?" Tanner asked warily even as he headed that way.

"Aleve? Advil? Tylenol? I dunno. Can't tell that shit apart. It's the one Doc said would help best." When he found the bottle, I held up my hands for him to toss it over. The bottle hit my palms, and I immediately started working open the lid. "I won't take shit to fuck with my head before strapping onto a bull," I assured him.

"Good," he said. "I'm also pretty sure those two are still out."

So I swallowed a few of my pills, pulled myself out of bed, and decided to do something about that. First, I had to get dressed, but that gave enough time for my shit to start working. The medication kind. Well, and my brain.

"You cool drivin' my truck?" I asked Tanner as I shoved my feet into my boots.

"Yep," he assured me, pausing on his way to the bathroom. "Why?"

I flashed him a grin. "Because I'm gonna wake them up, and I think you get to take the girl today."

"Oh, I'm definitely ok with that," Tanner promised.