Page 93 of Spur It On

He wrapped both of his hands around mine. "Baby, I'm fine. I just hate that they can't see how good you are. I'm scared that if I'm not watching, they're going to do something. I'm not going to let them chase you off."

"Yeah, but..." I tried.

"But," he broke in, "I will let you handle the words. I'm still going to protect you. Can we at least agree on that?"

"Yeah," I said softly. "I think we can."


Ty gave my hand a tug,encouraging me to leave my bed and cross the gap to where he was sitting. It was enough. I took one step, then tucked a knee up beside his leg before moving to straddle his hips. Immediately, his arms wrapped around my back.

"Hey," he said softly, "I'm sorry. I honestly thought I was taking care of you."

"But I don't need to be taken care of," I reminded him. "Ty, I've been doing this on my own for a long time. Maybe not in the Tough Enough series, but it's all the same shit."

"Yeah..." he mumbled, letting his hands slide slowly up my spine, "but that doesn't mean I don't want to make it easier for you."

"Yeah?" I asked, because that was honestly kinda sweet.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Cody, I don't want to protect you because I think you're helpless. I want to kick the shit out of those assholes because you're my girl. Well, and Tanner's, and J.D.'s. I don't like someone fucking with you when I could do something about it."

"I know," I admitted. "It's just that I have all the sponsors watching me, and it feels like everyone's keeping track of what I'm doing. If it gets out that I have a team of men running around to handle my life so I can keep it together long enough to ride a bull?" I grimaced. "That makes me look weak, Ty. It makes me look like I can't do this."

"This?" he asked, pulling me just a little closer.

I didn't try to resist. "The Tough Enough series. The toughest sport on dirt. It's not just about riding the bulls, but surviving them, and if I can't take a few mean words, then how will I survive a set of horns or hooves?"

He leaned forward, pressing his brow to mine. "Ok." He still didn't sound happy about it. "But don't you get that I just want to be your Superman?"

Yeah, now that was cute. It also wasn't something I was used to. Part of me didn't want to discourage him, but the other half didn't want to be smothered. I thought for a second before answering, hoping I wasn't screwing this up.

"You already are," I assured him. "Ty, when you helped me in Tulsa? I'm never going to forget that, ok? You're the whole reason I'm here now."

"Yeah?" he asked.

I nodded, my head brushing against his. "But I'm not here to make you feel good. I mean, that sounds so bad, but it's just that I have to get these sponsors."

"I'll cover it," he insisted, pulling back to see my face. "Cody, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Fuck the sponsors if they don't like you. We'll make sure you can keep going."

"No," I insisted. "Ty, I don't want you paying my way, covering all my expenses, and that shit. All that does is make me into your toy. I am doing this because I want todo this. I want to earn respect, make my rides, and pay my own bills. I mean, what happens if you get killed?"

"Shit," he grumbled, making it clear he thought that couldn't happen.

But it could. We all knew it could. "Just listen," I begged. "If you get killed out there and I don't have sponsors? Now, I'm not talking about how upset I'd be. Just the facts, ok? Like, if you're paying my way, and you suddenly vanished, then where does that leave me? Up shit creek, right?"

"Oh," he mumbled.

I nodded, taking the advantage while I had it. "And I know you think you're being sweet - and you are - but it's not going to help me. Ty, I need to focus. I need to sell myself so I can get sponsors so I can get a paycheck. I need to catch up to you and J.D., and I'm just a brand-new rookie, so let me have the space to do that?"

He nodded. "Ok," he relented. "But I'm still going to make sure no one fucks with you. Like a bodyguard, Cody. I mean, we guys talked about it, and it makes sense. Well, to the other guys, it will. If Austin's fucking with you, and we're all watching out for you? Yeah. This isn't something I'm going to back down on. I'm sorry, baby, but I can't."

This time, I was the one giving in. "Ok," I agreed. "Just no distracting me from my job, right?"

So his hands slid down to my ass. "Ever?" And a little smile curled his lips.

I shifted a little closer. "Well, not at the events. But I guess this means no bar tonight?"

"Not allowed to drink with the shot Doc gave me," he admitted. "J.D. and Tanner are too high to move by now." His smile grew a little more. "And you're still in fifth place, you know."