Page 88 of Spur It On

Ty pulled off his hat, ducked his head, and scratched at the back of his neck. "Well, boyfriend, mentor, protector. I mean, if I'm protecting her, then that's a real good reason for me to be hovering."

"It is," Tanner agreed. "Also a real good reason to be trying to impress her. Does it make you feel better about this?"

"It also works with what you've been saying," I pointed out to Tanner.

He nodded, so Ty pushed his hat back onto his head and let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah?" he asked.

I just shrugged. "You think you need a reason to be around her. You don't. If someone asks, you should just tell them to fuck off."

"It's more the not fucking everything else," Ty muttered.

Ok, yeah, he had a bit of a point with that. "But if you think you're setting yourself up," Tanner said, "then fucking someone else is a real good way to get Cody to write you off."

"Friend-zoned hard," I said.

"Really?" Ty asked. "She'd still want to be friends with me?"

Which was when I realized this guy had no more of an idea how women worked than I did. Hell, I had a feeling Tanner wasn't any better, and Cody sure as shit wasn't. The four of us were a damned train wreck waiting to happen, but worth trying anyways. Sometimes, the things that were the most fun were the biggest wrecks in the end. My ride today was proof of that.

"Ok," I decided, gesturing for them to head to the truck. "If those fuckers have questions, the answer is we're all team Cody. We want to see a woman in the PBR, because where there's one, there's more."

"And more media coverage," Ty added. "That's something I said to Derek and Casey this morning."

Which was also a good point. "So we're just looking out for our own interests?" Tanner asked. "Really?"

"Fuck that," I grumbled, claiming the back seat as mine. "Naw. Cody's the next best bull rider in the PBR. I'm in this for the fame. Tanner, you're in this for the pussy. Ty's in this because he's trying real hard to move in when she gets tired of you. It's what all the rest of those fuckers would do."

"So why's he not fucking the buckle bunnies again?" Tanner asked. "Because if he used to and Cody doesn't hate him..."

"Not how girls work," I pointed out. "Trust me, I got a little sister and I've heard all about this. Naw, if a guy's into ya, he doesn't stick his dick in anything else. Not if he's serious."

"So I'm serious?" Ty asked as he backed out of the parking space.

"Sure," I decided. "When someone wants to know why, just give them a look. They won't ask again."

"They'll assume he's fucked her," Tanner pointed out.

I thrust out both hands at Ty's side. "He has! They don't need to know a timeline! Shit. They also think Cody's some kind of fuckin' sex kitten who's downin' cock all the time."

"That's you," Ty joked.

"Fuck if I don't wish," I muttered. "Tanner's been too busy hookin' up with our girl, though."

Tanner just groaned, leaning back in his seat to pull his hat lower over his face. "I am not talking about that shit in front of him, J.D."

"I know how a blowjob works," Ty promised. "I mean, mine usually come with lipstick, but I bet Cody would loan J.D. some if you want."

I actually laughed at that. "Ain't happening, man. Ty's also cool, Tanner. It's that Canadian in him."

"Eh?" Ty said right on cue, flashing a grin at me through the rearview mirror. "I also know you two fuck," he went on. "Pretty sure J.D. is the bitch there too."

"He's really not," Tanner mumbled at the door.

Ty twisted to glance back at me quickly. "No?"

"He's got a threesome kink," I explained to Tanner. "So he's probably hopin' to get in on a little action."

"Through Cody, thank you very much," Ty clarified. "No offense, but both of ya have flat asses that aren't sexy."