Page 86 of Spur It On

"They're playing hardball," he insisted. "Cody, you're fine."

"And if I get bucked off tomorrow, will Istillbe fine?" I asked.

"Yes," he promised. "Sure, a few of the big names might drop out, but some already have because you won't wear less."

Which only made me more angry. "Don't they understand that I'm trying to ride bulls?!"

He patted the air, calming me down. "No, they don't. They're looking for a marketing investment. A few of these brands think the only purpose for a woman is sex appeal. They do not - will not - see you as a person or an athlete. They see you as - " His mouth snapped shut.

"As what?" I pressed.

His cherubic little face began to turn rather impressively red. "Tits and ass," he mumbled.

I wasn't sure if it was the embarrassment on his face for talking like that, or the blatant truth of what he said. I just tilted my head back and laughed, feeling that grip on my guts finally let go. He was right. He was so right, and that wasn't something I could change. It also wasn't my fault, which was what really mattered.

"Ok," I finally said.

"Is it?" he asked.

I flopped my arms, unsure how to answer that. "Well, if you mean the language, then I'm used to it. I'm a bull rider, Max. Them thinking of me like that? I'm used to that too. It's just that I'm trying so hard to learn all the things and to make it in this sport. I don't want to fail out before I've even gotten started."

"You're fine, Cody," he promised.

"But my scores are lower!" I reminded him. "You don't understand. That was the best ride I've ever had. I was all over it. I had that bull right where I wanted him, and maybe he wasn't the best, but an 85? It should've been at least an 88."

"And there is sexism in this sport," he reminded me.

I thrust out both hands, making it clear he'd just proven my point. "That! There is, and if the sponsors are sexist, the judges, the fans... Max, how am I going to make it in the PBR if I can't change that?"

He leaned forward over his knees, clasped his hands together, and looked at me. "Did you know J.D. came out to me the other day?"

"What?" Never mind that he'd just changed the subject.

Max just nodded. "Yep. I've known that man a long time, Cody, and it means a lot to me that he trusted me that much. He also got me you as a client. I know about this thing you're all doing too. I know about Tanner and Ty. Here's the thing. I'm not with the PBR. I'm not a bull rider, even though I always dreamed of doing it." He chuckled once. "No, I'm your representative. I'm also as good at what I do as you are at what you do, ok?"

"Ok," I mumbled.

"So trust me when I say that you're going to be just fine," he assured me. "I will make sure of it. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. It sure wasn't easy when J.D. was making a name for himself with his fists instead of his rides, but I still managed to make him a household name. I will do the same for you, and I give you my word, I am good at this."

"I believe you," I said.

That got me a little smile. "Good. So you ride the bulls, and you do it your way. Don't worry about the sponsors. Sometimes they'll want to have meetings like that. Other times they're just quietly looking at you. Be loud. Be proud." He paused to lick his lips. "And I'm kinda hoping that you'll do me a real big favor."


"Hit the PBR so hard that when my first client decides he's ready to come out, he can."

"J.D.," I realized. "He was your first?"

"He made my career," Max explained. "I was a laughingstock until he gave me a chance. Nine years later and I'm one of the most successful brand representatives thanks to him. So you and I are probably on the same side here."

"Kinda like being a bullfighter," I realized. "I have to take the hits so that those guys don't have to?"

"Yeah, exactly like that," he agreed. "And when you get hit, I'll scream about it being because you're a woman. See, here's the thing with that. No one is trying to say your existence is a sin. They will about those guys, but if we can break one bit of bias, then maybe we don't have to stop, right?"

I thrust out my hand at him. "I'll do whatever you tell me, Max, because I'd rather be the hero than the one being babied."

He accepted my grip and shook once. "I promise no one's babying you, Cody. Training, maybe. Babying? Nope. We're all just protecting our investment in you."