Page 79 of Spur It On

The next time Monologue's rump hit the ground, I slid off the side and jogged away, landing easily on my feet. The sounds of the world rushed back in, and I wrenched off my helmet to check the scores. I'd nailed that! I'd just ridden the fuck out of that bull!

"Woo!" I cried, watching as Monologue hurried out of the arena.

"That's my rookie!" J.D. screamed.

I pumped the air with my fist, so sure I'd made the impression I'd been hoping for, and turned towards Tanner. Jorge passed him my rope, then Tanner jogged my way with the biggest smile on his face. Clearly he'd seen that. He knew I'd aced it.

Then his smile faded.

His eyes were over my shoulder, which let me know the score had just posted. Curious, I turned to check the board and felt my heart crash to my toes: 85.25. Scanning the list of the other riders, I realized I was still sitting in the average, but closer to the bottom now. Thankfully, my second full ride meant I was currently in third - and going to drop as the next four riders got their scores.

"What the fuck?" Tanner asked as he reached my side to pass me my rope.

"I felt like I nailed that," I told him.

"You did!" he insisted. "Cody, that score's shit."

"Yeah, but the bull wasn't that great," I realized, trying to push it away. Then I clasped his arm. "Hey, thanks. Stay safe out here, ok?"

"We good?" he asked. "After last night, I mean."

So I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Very good. Promise I have no complaints."

"Good, then get your ass out of my arena." Then he winked and jogged back towards his guys.

I headed for the gate, but inside my guts were twisting. I'd ridden the best I could and had nothing to show for it. How the fuck was I supposed to get those sponsors if I couldn't pull off the scores?


Cody's scoreappeared on the screen and I threw my damned rope across the catwalk. Some guy jumped out of the way, glancing back at me with fear in his eyes. Damn straight. And when I went to get my rope back, he scurried like a roach to make sure he wasn't between me and it.

The score for my rookie's ride was bullshit. Still, with her ride done, I was almost up. The chutes were rattling and banging as the cattle did their best to refuse moving all the way through. Cletus was yammering on about something that was supposed to be both funny and kid-safe. I was eyeing my ride.

"Looks like that chick won't be a problem for long."

The voice belonged to Austin and came from my right. I glanced over to see him giving me a shit-eating grin. Too bad for him, that look just made the scar on his face easier to see. The same scar I'd put there when he'd grabbed her tits.

"Man, every time you open your mouth, you just sound dumber than the last," I assured him. "I mean, a fuckin' rookie has you scared shitless? Fuck. No wonder I never see you standing on the bullpen."

For the awards was what I meant, and he damned well knew it. Thankfully, the bulls were settled into their spots, and his chute guy asked for a rope. That meant Austin needed to focus on getting his shit together, and fast. On the upside, the idiot couldn't talk to me while he did that.

I still kept my eye on him, which was why I missed Cody coming up behind me. The little rascal snagged my rope off my shoulder. I spun, ready to throw down with whoever thought they could fuck with me, only to see her pass my rope to the closest chute guy.

"I'm pulling for you, J.D.," she said, tilting her head towards my bull.

"Hey," I said, catching her hip before she could turn away. "You ok?"

Those pretty blue eyes of hers jumped up to mine guiltily. "Why?"

I gave her a disgusted look, because we both knew she'd been a ball of stress all day. That score? It was shit, which meant she was faking the fuck out of things right now.

Cody grimaced, knowing she was busted. "It's still a qualified ride, right?"

"That's my rookie," I praised. "Now get that damned rope tight."

The words were barely out of my mouth before Austin's chute opened and the dumb-fuck was on his ride. The big black bull he was on surged up with a rounded back, and that fucker's seat was already out of place. Austin's head snapped up to the sky. His back rounded to match the bull's, and when they hit the ground, Austin's chin cracked down right between the beast's horns.

Fucker deserved it too. Still, he had enough experience that he managed to pull through, at least for a bit. My eyes jumped to the clock, seeing five seconds, then back to Austin. Beside me, Cody was tense, every muscle in her body frozen in complete concentration as she watched.