Page 153 of Spur It On

"We want to sponsor you," Troy said, "because we want our brand associated with those who stand up for therightthings."

"Because someone has to do it first," Grace said, and I wasn't sure she was speaking for her company. "Cody, you're getting noticed, and the more that happens, the more 'they' will come after you. It's how it's always worked for women. If you want something, you have to fight - and keep fighting - until they simply can't take it away from you."

I glanced at the guys, aware both were watching me silently. "I didn't come here to make a scene about being a woman," I told them.

"Maybe not," J.D. said, "don't mean it won't happen."

"And you can do this," Tanner assured me. "Shit, Cody. They haven't stopped you yet, and the two of us have your back." J.D. just nodded, showing he agreed.

Then I scanned the faces around me again. Five sets of eyes hung on me, waiting for my decision. The strange thing was I honestly felt like they all believed in me. Those photos had made me feel like I was supposed to be a toy, but these people? The ones willing to help me do this? They were looking at me with the one thing I needed right now.


It lit a fire in my belly. It pushed away all the doubts that had been trying to pull me down. The looks on their faces were enough to remind me how much I'd already fought to get here, and I knew it would be a shame to give up now.

Then there was the memory of my father's voice as he told me to hold on to my dreams, no matter what. He'd made me promise him that I wouldn't let anything change my mind butme. Not assholes like Austin. Not my scores. Just me.

I could do this. More than that, Ishoulddo this! What was I even thinking, letting a couple of shitty bull riders make me doubt myself? Disco Breakout had hit me harder than they could ever hope to. I had this. I could do this.

So I laid my hands on the table and took a deep breath. "Just so all of you know, I didn't come here to change anything. I showed up because I wanted a check, and I know I ride good enough to win. IknowI can do this, but if they need me to break a glass ceiling before that can happen..."

I smiled down at my hands, finding my resolve.

"Then I will fuckingshatterit. I'm not the kind of girl who breaks. I'm the one who breaks things to get what I want."

"Yeah..." J.D. breathed. "And that, Cody, is why you're my rookie."

Troy just pushed to his feet. "Max, you'll have our contract in the morning. I don't care how much she wants, Mike's will pay it."

"Under Armour wants to be plastered all over her," Grace said. "Because that? It's the kind of press we've been looking for."

Then Tanner reached over to grab my hand. "You got this, Cody. Let's show those guys that their bigoted views can't stop anything."

I stood, aware that I needed to leave, but Max caught my hand. "Cody? This is how we make it easier for the next ones, right?" And his eyes flicked over to J.D. and Tanner.

I nodded. "Yeah. I think I'd rather be the protector than the target."

"You will always be a target," he countered. "I'm sorry, Cody, but you will. The question is if you really think you can handle everything they'll throw at you."

But that resolve was back, and stronger than ever, so I smiled down at him. "Watch me, Max. If they need me to prove I'm tough enough?" I lifted my hand, where the scrapes from punching those guys earlier were still visible. "Then I'll be the one spurring things on. I'm used to getting hurt. Everyone draws a bad bull. We all hit the dirt. The thing is, I've already shown that I can do the one thing I need to."

"What's that?" Max asked, worry in his eyes.

"When I get knocked down, I always get back up. Always, and I'm not about to stop now."


I madeone last scan of the room, then closed my bag and lifted it onto my shoulder. Jake had left a couple of hours ago, telling me to take my time before checking out. My hangover had me moving slowly, but I was definitely moving. I wanted to get the fuck out of Cheyenne, because all the memories of Cody made me feel like I was drowning.

Snagging the keycard for this room, I let out a heavy sigh and headed for the door. Just before I grabbed the handle, I heard the sound of a woman's voice on the other side. One I knew much too well. Then the deep rumble of a man's: J.D. When Tanner's voice joined them, I decided to peek out the peephole, letting them pass before I had to deal with something awkward.

So I was being a pussy. I was fine with that.

It didn't take long. Jake's room was only a few down from the elevator. Cody was at the opposite end of this hall, and it wasn't a short one. The moment I felt it was safe, I stepped out, intending to turn and march my ass straight to the elevator.

Instead, I looked back.

Tanner's arm was around her waist. J.D. had his wrapped around her shoulders. The men had her pinned between them like they were almost holding her up, and Cody wasn't fighting it at all. Her chaps were draped across Tanner's shoulders. J.D. had her vest hanging from his outside arm. She had on her show shirt, hat, and spurs, but why?