Page 10 of Spur It On


I metup with Max in the hotel lobby the next morning. He gave me a box with my new chaps and protective vest in it, along with another business card for him. Then we agreed on a time to talk to all the other reps who wanted to know if I was the real deal. Max told me what to wear - jeans and boots - then promised he'd handle everything else.

I had to give it to J.D., the guy was an amazing rep. His pants might be just a little too new, and his shirt was definitely too stiff, but he seemed to be damned good at his job, and that was all that mattered. So, with that settled, I headed back to my room to worry about what I was going to wear to this date tonight.

Surprisingly, Ty had a few suggestions. He picked out the blingy jeans Shelby had made me buy for just this reason. J.D. found a cute little shirt in my bag. I picked my own underwear, just because I not only wanted it to match, but I didn't want those two to see what I was wearing.

Because this was a big night. Tanner probably didn't know it was my first real date. Then again, J.D. may have told him. Either way, I was both excited and nervous at the same time. I kept trying to tell myself there was nothing to be ashamed of, Ty and J.D. wouldn't be pissed about this, and I was going to have fun. Still, I kept worrying I was gonna fuck this all up.

Right at five, Tanner knocked on the door, and I looked good. My hair was down and curled. My face had makeup on it. Not too much, though, because I wasn't any good at the sultry looks my best friend had tried to teach me, so I'd gone for simple. Tanner had on a pair of jeans, well-worn boots, and a shirt that was so damned tight, it looked like it had been painted on. It showed off every muscle in his body.

"Keys," J.D. called before tossing his set across the room at Tanner. "You got your key for the room, Cody?"

I patted my back pocket. "Yep."

"Then have fun, kids. Ty and I are gonna hang out for a bit, then get a few drinks tonight, so don't come home early."

But he and Tanner shared a look, which made me think they had something planned. Feeling only slightly nervous about all of this, I let Tanner lead me out and down the hall, listening to the door close behind us. I really hoped this wasn't the thing that was going to blow up in my face. So far, riding with the PBR had been amazing - and I didn't want to sabotage it.

Tanner walked to the elevator with me, both of his thumbs hooked in the pockets of his jeans. "I tried to find a place for a meal, but Google wasn't too helpful," he explained. "So, you get to pick. Applebee’s or Olive Garden?"

"Olive Garden," I decided. "I deserve some carbs."

That earned me a little grin. "Not too boring for you?"

I shook my head just as the elevator arrived. "Nope. Truth be told, this is my first official date, Tanner."

"J.D. told me," he admitted as we piled on. "I'm a little surprised, though. I mean, there had to be something besides those asshole bull riders in your hometown."

"Not really."

I glanced over to find him watching the numbers tick down. Since it was only one floor, the door opened quickly and we headed to the parking lot. J.D.'s truck was impossible to miss. From having his name plastered on the back to the size of the thing, it stood out even with all the other trucks parked beside it.

The ride over was only a little awkward. Tanner made easy small talk, but I felt like I should be doing something more. Yeah, I was overthinking this whole date thing, in a bad way. But once we arrived, sat down, and had drinks and breadsticks in front of us, it felt like I could finally relax.

"So how'd you start riding?" Tanner asked.

I tore off a hunk of bread. "I don't honestly remember. See, my dad was a bull rider back when that was still with the rodeo. Mom was a barrel racer, so rodeo was in my blood, I guess. After losing my mom, my dad spoiled me as much as he could, so I was mutton busting early. He'd go ride a bull, then I'd ride sheep for the kiddie event, and he'd talk about it like we were equals. That turned into calves when I got too big for the sheep, then steers when I was older. I started with bulls when I was in high school."

"It seems like Dean's ok with it," Tanner pointed out.

I nodded. "For the longest time, I convinced myself he didn't think I was good enough because he kept trying to talk me into quitting and going to college."

"Never finished high school myself," Tanner admitted.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded slowly. "Yep. Had a shitty year. Got into bullfighting when I was younger because of my uncle, and when everything was imploding, he got me working a local rodeo circuit as a clown. That got me out of town, and I kept going until I became an alternate for the PBR. Now I'm on the main string."

"Nice," I said.

He looked up, his pretty hazel eyes a little more green than I'd remembered. "That is not what most people tell me."

"But I'm basically doing the same thing," I reminded him. "I just sit on the bulls instead of jumping under them."

He laughed, and the sound was amazing. The waitress came around to get our orders, promising she'd get them right out, but the break changed things just a bit. Tanner glanced at me from under his pretty bronze lashes, smiled, and then shifted over to the corner on his side of the booth.

"I feel like I'm doing this dating thing the wrong way around," he admitted. "I mean, I made a damned fool out of myself in St. Louis."