Page 101 of Spur It On

So I nodded. "I'm not opposed, but official pics usually have our vest on."

"Ah," she muttered. "Yeah, that would likely cover it up."

"Ma'am," I went on, "I just want it to be clear that I'm here to ride bulls. Nothing else."

"Then ride them," she told me, offering her hand again. "Ride them hard, Cody. It's a good way to show what our clothing can withstand. Corporate's watching to see how you place, but I'm rooting for you. Let's make it clear that being a woman doesn't mean the same as being weak."


Grace walked away,so I turned to lean my rump against the pipe rail fence which marked the outer boundary of the Cheyenne arena. On this side was the parking lot. On the other side was an open area for the paying crowd, with the arena and such just beyond. From here, I could just see Ty and the gaggle of ladies who were fawning all over him.

A pair wanted a picture with him, but as their friend called out to take the shot, both women leaned in to kiss a side of Ty's cheeks. He laughed, hugging them close and flirting his heart out. If I'd thought J.D. was bad with his fans, well, Ty was even "worse."

The man clearly knew how to schmooze, and from the look on his face, he was loving it. One of the girls dared to grab his ass, making Ty jump. I was willing to bet there'd been a comment in there about his chaps making her do it. I knew because Shelby and I had often said the same thing, although I'd never been brave enough to do the groping.

"Aw, no fans?"

The sound of Austin's voice made me want to groan. I tried to ignore him, but when the four guys - Austin, Eli, Derek, and Casey - sauntered past, I couldn't help but notice they didn't have any fans hanging on them either.

"Hunting for someone who might be impressed with your latest ride?" I called back.

Austin just lifted his middle finger in my direction. "No one wants you here, Cody."

"Feeling's mutual," I assured him, refusing to let him get me riled up. "Besides, I'm still placed higher than you."

"Fucking bitch," Eli grumbled.

Derek and Casey said something as well, but it was to the other guys, and I missed it. Still, they kept walking, which I was willing to call a win. The shitty part was that they were right, I did want some fans. I hated the way this entire event made me feel invisible.

The PBR just didn't know what to do with me yet, I tried to tell myself. Max was going to handle it, I'd been riding for three whole events, and I was still an unknown so far as my record went. That was all true, but I'd also seen guys break into the scene with a bang, and they got a lot more attention by the media. Cameras were shoved into their faces. The reporters followed them around behind the chutes. I got none of that - but I also didn't want it.

And yet I did want to make it. All of that was part of the deal. If the media hyped me up, the sponsors would come quickly. The sponsors meant money. Money meant chances for a life after riding bulls. A life meant fulfilling my own dreams, and dreams meant that maybe one day I'd look back at all of this as the "good ol' days."

I knew all of that, and it was starting to feel like a tow rope, hauling me forward. One step, then the next, that was what I needed to focus on. For so long, all of this had been a pipe dream. Now that it was a reality, I wanted to rush right to the end, but it didn't work that way. I had to play the game. I needed to pay my dues. I had to make the rides to prove I could do it. I had to finish the season, and then get back on for the next. Hell, J.D. had been at this for nine years. Three events was nothing.

Which was why I didn't have as many fans as Ty. Glancing up, I found another set of women pawing all over him as they leaned in for selfies. Officially, he was a single man, and I had a feeling they all knew it. Hands were pressed against his chest. Smiles were directed at him with just enough seduction added that I was feeling a little jealous. I also couldn't say a damned thing.

This was the game. I knew it. But while I was watching, a guy moved to my side and politely cleared his throat. I looked over to see a lean cowboy holding a shirt, a poster, and even a travel mug with that line drawing I'd seen earlier. The one that had a woman on the back of the bull and splashes of pink.

"Um, Cody Jennings?" he asked, glancing down at my chaps.

"That's me," I agreed.

And his face broke into a smile. "I thought so! I mean, the pink is a good hint, but it's not like we get to see your face."

"The helmet," I realized, pushing away from the fence to give him my complete attention. "What can I do for you?"

So he thrust the poster out at me. "Can you sign this? I've been watching your rides, and the announcers keep talking about your form. They say you've got more talent than any other rookie coming onto the scene this year."

"Really?" I laughed in surprise as I took his poster.

For this guy, I unrolled the whole thing and found a good spot to put my name. I had to use my thigh as a backing, but when I signed it, I made it big enough to be proud of, and then rolled it back up. He kept talking the whole time.

"And because you've been riding, I can even get my girlfriend to watch with me. She's so excited to see a woman actually competing in a male sport. Never mind that you keep winning!"

"Not winning," I corrected.

"You won in St. Louis," he countered, offering me a shirt next. "I got this for her. Is it too much to ask for you to sign that too?"