Page 2 of Spur It On

J.D. scoffed. "Cody, you know better than that. He thinks you're cute. He thinks you're a good bull rider. He also thinks that since he doesn't get to talk to you much at the events, he needs to make an effort if he wants a chance. And yes, he wants a chance."

"Is this just because I'm the only woman on the tour?" I asked. "Seriously, J.D., I know you three have all had prettier women in your bed. I just..." I turned to look out the window, realizing what my dad had meant about too many hours alone with someone and no way to escape. "I'm just the crazy girl who rides bulls, aren't I?"

"The hot, crazy girl." Thrusting out his lower lip, he nodded. "Yep, but to us, that's pretty sexy. I mean, what's the most important thing in our lives? Bull riding. What do you understand and enjoy just as much? Bull riding. That you're also really fucking pretty?"

"I'm a tomboy," I countered. "At best."

"A hot one." He was getting a little smirk on his lips.

"I don't even wear makeup half the time!"

"So?" he asked.

That killed my next argument about my fashion sense, so I decided to double down. "Look, Cole made it clear that he only liked me because I rode bulls too. All my life, the guys have laughed at how I look more like a guy than half the guys I went to school with. I promise I've heard it all."

"The same guys who were scared because you ride better?" he countered.

"I didn't place better than them," I admitted. "Well, not always."

"No one always places at the top," he assured me.

"Well, yeah," I grumbled, "but you don't understand. I mean, Tulsa was the first belt buckle I ever won for myself. Back home, I was always in second place. I just made more second places so I could get enough points to qualify for the Tough Enough series. The guys all had belt buckles, though."

"Don't care," J.D. told me. "Cody, none of that changes that you're beautiful, ok? And there's a whole lot of guys out there who think girls can't ride bulls."

"But not you or Ty," I reminded him.

"Not us," he agreed. "Know why?"


"Because we know how to ride." His hand made another pass across my leg. "We know half these guys get lucky when they stay on for eight seconds. Maybe a handful of them have any skill. You? You got the skill. You get up on those bulls and ride them like you own 'em. You get in there and hold on real good."

"That's how my daddy taught me."

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, but you'regood. Ty and I can see it. So can a few others. Not all like it, but that don't mean they can't see it. Also don't mean you aren't a real pretty girl, Cody. Maybe you've got some muscular arms, and if a guy's dick is real small, that might scare the hell outta him, but I got a big dick."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Wouldn't know. Looked like a normal dick to me."

He glanced over at me again. "How many guys you fucked?"

"One," I mumbled. Then I realized that was a lie. "Two."

"Cole and Ty." He murmured under his breath. "So what are your rules?"


"Yeah, rules," he repeated. "I mean, everyone's got rules about who they'll get in bed with. Ty only sleeps with women. I only sleep with people who get my dick hard. Some people only have sex with the ones they fall in love with. Maybe it's three dates before you'll get naked, or maybe it's only red lipstick. Don't care, just curious."

"Um..." I shifted a little more so that my shoulder was against the back of the seat. Then I tucked the seatbelt under my arm. "I used to say I didn't sleep with bull riders. The problem is I don't really know anyone else. I mean, all I ever did was the local events or stack hay."

"And none of those guys working hay with you were interested?" he asked.

I laughed. "Too old and too married," I assured him.

"Ok, so you need rules," J.D. decided. "We can say 'not married' is one of them. I'm gonna guess men, since I'm pretty sure you aren't checking out any girls."

"No girls," I agreed.