Page 150 of Spur It On


I wasa little more drastic with my makeup the second time around. Mostly, that was to hide the mess Austin and Derek had made of my face. As I worked on foundation and concealer, I could feel the sore spots, but they weren't visible...yet.

I also had to hide the marks on my neck. Where I'd been punched was red. When I swallowed, I could feel the swelling already starting. Thankfully, a little extra eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara helped me feel like I had this. It gave me the tough feel, and the woman staring back at me from my compact mirror looked pretty badass.

The one hit off J.D.'s vape pen pushed the pain back, but it wasn't enough to make it completely vanish. When I stood, I could feel my body screaming in protest, but I ignored it. How many times had I pushed through worse? I wouldnotlet some idiots take me out when no bull had managed to do it yet.

Someone had gathered up my things from that hall. J.D. held out my chaps. Tanner was hugging my vest and holding my hat. Surprisingly, my phone wasn't broken. Bit by bit, I strapped myself into my gear just like I did for an event. When Max moved closer to wipe a little dust from my arm, I knew I had this. It was just like riding bulls. I needed to get my mind in the zone.

Just right here.

Just right now.

Then Max led all three of us to the press room where the photographer had set up. The first thing I noticed was the massive green screen. The second was the lighting setup. This looked like the sort of things used on models, and for some reason that made me even more anxious.

"Ok," Max said to the photographer. "This is Cody Jennings. We're going to need at least four poses for promotions, as well as her official image for the website."

"Sure," the man said as he turned to greet me. Then his eyes widened and his smile faltered. "You'reCody?"

"I am," I assured him.

The man just rocked his head in a slow nod and looked back at Max. "Bull riding?"

"The first woman in the PBR," Max said, lifting his face defiantly.

Today, cherubic was not the way I'd describe him. Max might inherently look like a sweet man, but there was something a little harder in his eyes right now. A determination that let me relax, because he had this for me.

So, settling my hat onto my head to hide the blood I hadn't completely gotten off my scalp, I moved to where the photographer pointed. A green tarp was on the ground. The same color green was behind me, arced around in a semicircle so nothing else would show.

Once I was in place, the photographer flipped a switch and lights turned on. Lots of them. I couldn't help but wonder if my injuries would shine through my makeup with this much wattage, but none of the guys said anything.

Instead, J.D. and Tanner moved to lean against the side wall. That put them out of the way, but also where I could see them. Max was hovering beside the camera setup. The photographer angled the lighting rigs down - always down - until he approved of the results. Then he started giving orders.

"Ok, Cody, turn to the side. Lift your chin." He messed with his camera. "Eyes on the far wall. Smile!"

The flash went off, but this did not feel like the same kind of poses the guys got. The man's next words proved it.

"Can you unzip the vest?"

"No." I didn't even bother to look at him.

This was not at all what I'd signed up for! I wanted these pictures so I could prove that I was here. So I could leave my mark on the sport. So my father hadproofthat I was the real deal, and this man was already trying to make me look more like a buckle bunny than a rider?

"Ok..." The man did not sound impressed. "Well, let me get you to tilt your head a bit. Now look back at the camera. I need coy. Give me a little flirtation, Cody. Show the public why they pay so much for tickets."

I clenched my jaw instead, glaring at the man. The harder he tried to talk me into being seductive, the more I resisted. It didn't take long before Max was also telling him no. Blowing a kiss at the camera? No. Hands up and in my hair? No. Popping my hip and arching my back? No.

I was mentally holding on to the idea of these photos with all I had. This was supposed to be what kept me going. A reason for not quitting. Instead, this man was making me more ashamed of myself than even Austin and Derek had a moment a go.

I'd come to the PBR to make a name for myself. I was a bull rider to build a new future. I was not here to be sexy, and I hadn't asked anyone to give a shit what Ilookedlike. So what if I was a woman? Who cared that I had breasts? The damned vest hid all of that!

But these men couldn't ignore it. They couldn't just let me work my way up with the same rules they'd been given. They wanted to knock me down, too scared that a woman keeping up would somehow make them lesser. I had no idea how the hell they thought that would work, but I had no interest in making it easy for them.

"I'm a damned bull rider!" I finally snapped. "I'm not here to look seductive. I'm not a damned supermodel. I'm a bull rider, and I expect these pictures to put me in the same poses as the men."

"Oh, that's what you want?" the photographer snapped, clearly as annoyed with this entire ordeal as I now was. "Fine. Face the big light to your left. Show me what you think tough looks like."

Beside the photographer, Max had his phone out, typing away furiously. He was supposed to have my back! Why wasn't he saying anything right now? I felt alone. Not even J.D. or Tanner seemed to see the problem, but I did. Hell, I couldn't get away from it.