Page 103 of Spur It On

"Because you thought it yourself," I shot back. "Oh, I promise I've heard that line a million times. Know what? It still doesn't make it ok for you to chase off my fan. Myonefucking fan, Ty."

"And I told you that I'll handle it," he assured me.

I just tossed up my hands, turned, and walked away. I could not deal with this right now. I had no idea what had just crawled up his ass, but if this was Ty's idea of being my "protector," then it was going to have to stop.

"Cody!" he snapped, hurrying after me.

I spun back to face him, thrusting my palm up to hold him a pace back. "I have a job to do. A job, Ty, and I don't need this kind of protection. I don't need any of this bullshit."

"So I should just let them paw all over you and not care?"

"Yes!" I groaned. "Fuck. I'm not sure what part of this is so hard to get, but the last thing I need you to do is smother me with your so-called protection. I'm a goddamned bull rider. I don't need you acting likeI'mthe pussy who can't take it. In case you missed it, I was doing just fine on my own before you even knew I existed!"


Her words hitme like a slap to the face. How had she not seen that guy leaning in so close, his eyes dropping down on his screen to check her out, or that his arm around her waist wasmuchtoo close to her ass. Shit, that was how all the guys out here thought. Most men. I knew, because I was just as bad.

All I'd wanted was to make him give her space. Cody was too trusting. None of these idiots around us gave a real shit aboutus. They wanted to see a big wreck. They kept hoping one of us would get carted out in an ambulance - or even better, be able to tell their friends they were in the stands when someone died.

Cody, however, wanted to ride, and she'd been doing just that.

But when she turned to walk away from me, I followed. My "so-called" protection? I knew what this crap was about. I'd been listening to it for years. I'd seen what we did to each other long before she ever showed up. Never mind that I actually gave a shit about her!

I didn't want to see her get hurt. That girl had worked her way past all my defenses, and I gave a real shit about her. A big one too. She was my girlfriend, and I couldn't even say that, so was it really so wrong that I wanted to make sure my woman stayed safe, happy, and focused out here?

"Damn it, Cody!" I snapped when she didn't slow down. "Stop walking away from me."

She just stretched her legs a little more, then ducked into the building at the side, using one of the security guard-protected entrances. The guy working there nodded at her, looked at me, and I saw confusion on his face. I also didn't slow down.

Then she grabbed my arm and yanked me into one of the many rooms this place had. "What the fuck are you doing Ty?" she demanded.

"I'm looking out for you," I reminded her.

"All weekend long?" she asked. "No, that's bullshit. You've basically been pissing on me, smothering me, and chasing off my fans."

"Like fuck I have!"

But she shoved closer, lowering her voice to the kind of angry growl women didn't often use. "Wejusttalked about this last night. I'm trying to do my job, and that job includes fans. Fans bring sponsors, sponsors bring money, and money is why I'm doing this. So are you. So is J.D. It's what pays our bills when we break our bodies, and you're doing nothing but getting in my way."

"And you said you were ok with a protector," I reminded her. "I didn't say shit when Austin walked by. No bully stuff, right?"

She just lifted both hands to her head, and then thrust them out like her mind was exploding. "What the hell are you thinking?" she demanded.

"You said bullies," I repeated, pretty sure I was missing something.

"I also said you can't distract me!" Her voice was verging on a scream. "Maybe you think I'm weak, Ty, but I'm not."

"I never said that!"

"No, it's just how youact," she countered. "But you know what?" She gestured with one hand back in the vague direction we'd come from as if she was trying hard to make a point. "I was right. You need to think real hard about that, because it's true."

"What's true?!" Ugh, she had to be PMSing or something, because none of this made any sense.

"I was doing a whole hell of a lot better before you took an interest in me!"

Yeah, that was what she'd said before, but clearly she'd forgotten a few things. "Oh, really?" I asked. "You mean like when your rope got greased and you couldn't afford a backup, so I loaned you one? Or maybe you mean like when you were qualified, but didn't have a ride to the arena? That kind of better? The kind that would still have you back in Middle-of-fucking-nowhere, Missouri?Thatkind of better?"

"Fuck you, Ty," she grumbled, turning to storm out of the room.