I couldn’t see it, but I could hear as people moved through the crowd and eventually I felt their presence at my back. It made me want to find a blanket to wrap around myself so I could hide my mark once more.
“Are there any objections to Senara being welcomed into fae society?” King Sulien asked.
A chorus of various versions of no came from behind me in a mix of feminine and masculine voices, which I was surprised to hear. For some reason I’d expected the council to be all male. It was nice to hear that I was wrong.
“Senara, please approach.” The king held out a hand to me, and I was so shocked that it took Dastesci dropping the arm that I was still holding to shake me out of it.
Slowly I made it up to the platform that the thrones resided on, taking it a step at a time so if I went too far or got too close it would be obvious I hadn’t intended to. I didn’t want any of the guards that I’d spotted along the walls to cut me down at the beginning of this new life.
When I reached out to take his hand I half expected him to slap mine away. The king I’d served in the human lands would never have allowed anyone as common as me so close, let alone touch them.
“Turn and meet the society that you are being welcomed into,” King Sulien intoned.
I did as he asked, switching the hand that was holding his to my other one so I could turn around. As I did so the platform seemed to rise up, making me glance at the king only to see that he was the one doing it. His hand was outstretched and his fingertips glowed with a silvery light.
Once it stopped he announced, “My fellow fae, please join me in welcoming Senara home. She has been trapped in the human lands for far too long and deserves every pleasure we can give her as a member of fae society.” The king spoke a little more but I was distracted.
My gaze was locked onto Thorn. How I’d managed to single him out among all the people there I didn’t know, but I had and now I couldn’t look away. In fact, I had to talk myself out of running to him.
The main thing that stopped me before I ever even took a step was the way a female fae was hanging off him. Her hair was the color of spun gold and her eyes were a similar shade, though they were more focused on Thorn than me. Her long pointed ear tips stuck out and were adorned with all kinds of jewels.
It was her mark that was the most interesting to me though. A flare of faint gold light seemed to emanate from the center of her forehead. It almost made it look like she’d been painted with gold instead of marked like Thorn and Ronan were.
She said something to Thorn, her lush lips curling into a smile that was definitely flirtatious. He looked down at her and gave her a smile that I thought had been reserved for me. Apparently, I was wrong.
My heart cracked at the sight and I yanked my gaze away, refocusing on the king so I didn’t start crying or doing something equally embarrassing. It was just in time for me to hear him say, “Senara is the one destined to wield the Moon Blades and I know, without a doubt, that she will drive the blight from our lands.”
Murmurs raced through the crowd as I looked at the king from the corner of my eye. What the hell was he talking about? No one had told me anything about any of this. A glance down at Lord Dastesci told me that he’d known the whole time, maybe this was what he had meant when he’d told Fenvalur to make sure I was ready for the presentation.
“Bring in the Moon Blades!” The king called.
The double doors that I’d walked in through not more than a few minutes ago swung open once more and a group of fae carried a large box in. It took two of them to hold it, making me wonder just what these Moon Blades actually were. Surely they weren’t just swords?
The box was set down on the platform that I was standing on with the king and queen and with it being closer I could see all the intricate carvings that decorated the outside. I didn’t have time to make sense of the imagery that was on it before they were opening it like the most precious artifact was inside.
Turned out that was actually true. The two blades that sat inside were shaped like crescent moons and even though I gathered from the way the king had spoken the blades hadn’t been wielded in a while, they still looked as sharp as if they’d just been forged.
The silver of the blades had veins that looked almost milky running through them, reminding me of the king’s scepter and crown. An ornamental face was carved into the metal of the hilt that wrapped around the center of the blade. From around theface came swirls of pearl and silver making the weapons look even more magical than they already were.
Faint music was coming from somewhere and after a moment of listening to it I realized that it was the same music I’d heard when I got close to the veil. I had no idea what it meant, but I knew it was significant.
The blades will be yours. If not now then soon. You are my scion. Protect these people. They need your help.The woman I’d heard while I was in the veil was in my head once more.
I knew the king was talking but I couldn’t hear him past her.
“Senara?” The king’s voice rang in my ear.
“Sorry, could you repeat that?” I asked, a flush rising on my cheeks.
Whispers rushed through the crowd and my blush deepened.
Annoyance pursed the king’s lips before he said, “Take up the swords and pledge yourself to the fae. Only the most blessed moon marked is allowed to touch them. It has been said that the one who wields the blades will drive the darkness from our lands.”
He held his hand out indicating for me to pick up one or both of the blades, but it still felt weird to me, like I was about to touch something I should get in trouble for even looking at.
Tentatively I reached out and slipped my hand around the hilt of one of the blades. The thing was probably as tall as I was, something I realized a little belatedly as I tried to heft it out of the box.
My muscles screamed at me, and yet I kept pulling. The blade barely budged so I used two hands wrapping them around the hilt and heaving. The thing was heavier than two great axes and a war hammer put together. Still, I refused to let it defeat me, especially in front of all these people, who I had no doubt were judging me.