“No!” I exclaimed. “You don’t think he’s dating one of the Sinclair teachers, do you?”

“You think?” Adelynn asked. “But who? Mrs. Albright?”

I snorted. “Please, she’s like sixty.”

“Well, then, who do you think?” she asked. “There aren’t that many single teachers there.”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. My mind was already racing with excitement. “But I bet we can ask him!”

“We cannot ask him,” Adelynn said. “Are you insane?”

“Why not?” I countered. “We’re in the baking club, anyway! Just casually bring it up a couple of times. See if he says anything.”

Adelynn had started a baking club at the beginning of the year, with me and a boy at the school named Jasper. We needed a staff supervisor for it, so Jasper had asked his football coach, Mr. Jamison.

“Absolutely not,” she refused, shaking her head. “I am not asking my teacher about his dating life.”

“You’re so boring,” I sighed.

“And you’re a gossip.”

“Don’t tell me you’re not curious.”

“Of course, I’m curious, but I’m not that curious.”

I tilted my head and gave her my best puppy dog eyes look. “Please, Adelynn? You wouldn’t have told me about it unless you were interested. You must want to know.”

“We don’t even know that it’s anything to do with dating,” she said, avoiding my gaze. “What if we start grilling him about his dating life, and it turns out it was totally unrelated?”

“Oh, come on,” I urged. “What other reason would he have for going there so late at night?”

“Maybe he’s helping out a friend,” she suggested.

I rolled my eyes. “Because it’s romantic to have to sneak around, Adelynn!”

“Is it?” she asked skeptically.

“Of course!” I said, clearing my throat dramatically. “Like… think about it, okay? You’re a teacher at Sinclair, living a terribly lonely life since you work at a boarding school.”

“You have a really low opinion of our teacher’s lives, don’t you?”

“Hush. Are you imagining it?”

She rolled her eyes but nodded. “Sure. I’m imagining it.”

“Okay. So, you’re just living your life here, sad and unfulfilled. And then there’s a pep rally with the school across the street. And suddenly, you meet the most handsome man to possibly ever exist—Mr. Hottie.”

“Jamison,” Adelynn corrected, and I dismissed it with a wave of my hand.

“I don’t think?—”

“So, you see Mr. Hottie?—”


“—and you think, oh my gosh, this might be the most beautiful man I have ever seen. What a shame it is that he works at the other school because that means I can’t start dating him.”

“And then you accept that reasoning because the rule is in place for a reason, and you go on with your life.”