“So, you think he and Marcus need to work out stuff and Marcus thinks you need to kiss him. Fen wants to do both,” Shepard repeated the bare bones facts back to me.
“You’ll be okay. I think you’re all sexually frustrated,” he let out a sleepy chuckle. “Sooner or later, someone will go into heat and nature will work it all out.”
“That’s what surprises me too. It’s been a month and neither of us have gone into heat,” I sighed.
“Well, if I remember my Omega Studies right, that’s because there’s a baby in the house. We’re a lot less likely to go into heat when we’re around babies,” Shepard said before taking a big gulp of his steaming coffee. “So, you should thank the kiddo for buying you this much time. I’m sorry I’m not more help. If you want me to help pick out your outfit or something that I can do. I can even watch the baby while you go on a date.”
“Where the hell do people go on dates here, though?” I laughed. “Bad Wolf Cakes? The parking lot?”
“Anywhere they want, I guess. Maybe a picnic. I think picnics are popular. Maybe you guys can drive up to the amusement park.”
“What amusement park?” I asked, blinking.
“The rodents just opened a new one. It’s not that far from their airport.”
“Do they allow us in there, though? Is it just full of kids? That wouldn’t be a very good date.”
“They do and I think they have a couple days a week where it’s adults only.”
“It’s not like a rat orgy or something on those days, is it?”
“That would be an interesting show for a first date,” Shepard belted out laughing and then clamped his hand over his mouth to keep from waking the whole village up.
“Hey, Ir, I’ll call and get the details today. Run it by your guys. I’m sure there isn’t an orgy. They’re touchy-feely but I doubt they’d take over an amusement park for that. It’s probably just a place to decompress for adults,” Shepard said, reaching over to squeeze my hand.
“Thanks, Shep. Sorry to get you out of bed so early. My mind was just spinning in circles.”
“It’s hard to think straight when you haven’t exchanged the claiming vows. I’m surprised you’ve held up so well for so long.”
“It’s getting harder every day,” I admitted.
“Then let’s see what we can do about that.”
While Fen was usually the one to cook breakfast, I took over his job that morning. I was already up and needed something to do until Faran woke up. Before turning on the stove, I peeked in on Marcus and Faran. The pair were out cold with Baby Faran resting on Marcus’s chest. My breath caught in my throat. It was the perfect moment. Marcus had a big, but gentle protective hand over Faran’s little back and Faran’s fingers grasped onto his shirt. The only one missing was Fen. He should be with one of us, not in bed all alone.
My wolf whined in frustration as I headed back to the kitchen. I zoned into cooking, focusing on each thing I made and each small movement required. When I was nearly finished and waiting on the toaster to spit out the last of the toast, I grabbed my phone and looked up the rodent amusement park.
“RATRIDES AND TIDES!” Read the banner of their website.
What Shepard had left out was that the park was both wet and dry. It was as if a county fair met up with a water park and had a baby. Depending on what side of the park you were on you could have funnel cakes and ride the Ferris wheel or you could go down a number of water slides or float along a lazy tide in an inner tube.
Shepard was correct. They encouraged shifters and vampires from other groups to drop in and visit and even offered discounted tickets for large groups of visitors. They had an onsite hotel, and everyone knew rodent customer service was the best. At least, that’s what I always heard.
A text from Shepard popped up while I was reading.
SHEPARD: I sent them a quick email asking about kid-free days and reservations. I didn’t expect to hear back so soon, but apparently the park is 24/7. They have lots of open rooms since most of the park-goers are locals. Want me to get you a reservation.
My finger lingered over the Y on my screen eager to begin typing ‘yes, please.’ Only I couldn’t do it. Fen had asked for a date not to be swept away on a romantic adventure. I typed it anyway. Worst case scenario I’d give the stay away as a gift to someone else in the village.
SHEPARD: You got it! I’m excited for you. Maybe the next time you go we can go with you! Next weekend? Maybe a long weekend? I’ll make it a week.
ME: Thanks, Shep. Now I just have to get my guys on board.
SHEPARD: I’m sure they’ll be glad for a vacation. If nothing else go alone and leave them at the house to work out their shit.