“Are you okay, Irwin?” Fen asked.
“Is it bad, I didn’t know? Shouldn’t I have been on the vitamins and stuff?” Irwin asked Dara.
“Hey now. It’s not bad. This baby is developing perfectly and believe it or not, carriers were giving birth before we concocted vitamins,” Dara said.
“So, I didn’t hurt the baby?”
“No,” Dara and I said at the same time.
“No,” Dara said again. “Your baby is perfectly healthy. It’s time to celebrate.”
“But I drank a lot of coffee and ---”
“Now you know, so you’ll cut back,” Dara grinned. “Believe me, babies have survived a lot worse than coffee in utero. We all do our best with what we know, Irwin. It’s not like you’re in some back alley doing drugs or binge drinking every night.”
Irwin nodded and let out a long slow breath.
“My carrier would tell you the same thing if that makes you feel any better, mate,”I said over our mating link.“He’s had things like this happen. All my siblings are fine. Fara’s weird, but we can’t blame that on coffee.”
He let out a little chuckle and wiped at his eyes.
“I’m going to choose to believe you two,” he laughed.
“Good. I went to medical school and all that. So, it’s nice to FINALLY be believed,” Dara smirked.
“I knew your day would come eventually, Dara,” I teased him.
“I can’t wait to write home to the---” He stopped in his tracks.
The hospital Dara trained at was no longer there. The war and Mundanes Before Magic had saw to that. It was under reconstruction and soon Manny and Nicky might take a trip to London to use Manny’s skills to help the dragons speed things along.
I rounded the table and hugged Dara from the side before he could say anything else.
“I apologize,” Dara said, returning my one-armed hug. “It is my job to keep my personal life out of these rooms.”
“Don’t apologize,” Fen frowned. “You may be a doctor, but you’re still a person.”
“No, butts,” Irwin shook his head. “We’re glad to have you, Dara, but you’re allowed to be sad that places that made you happy aren’t there anymore.”
“Do you want me to get Sam or Abel?” I asked him.
“No,” he shook his head, a light blush dotting his face. “Don’t bother them with this. They’re at Claw Spa right now.”
I hugged him tighter.
“Maybe I should reach out to the hospital coordinator and offer to take a student of my own,” Dara said.
“If you think that would help, I’d say go for it,” I said.
“I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. It’s the least I could do. We’re going to be needed more than ever as London is rebuilt.”
I almost kissed Dara on top of the head, like I might’ve done with Daniel or one of my other brothers having a hard day, but stopped short. Not everywhere was as affectionate as the Sanctuary.
“It’s okay, Marcus. I know you’re not trying to get into my pants,” Dara chuckled. “Let’s get those prints out and the well omega exams going.”
Chapter Forty-Four