Sliding my hands down his back, I took ahold of his cheeks and kneaded them as we all found our rhythm. Fen moaned, locked between us, both fucking and being fucked. He growled again, his scent pure pleasure. Marcus led the way, guiding Fen with his thrusts.

“Bite him,”Marcus’s voice danced clearly over our mating link.

For a second, I wasn’t sure which of us he was talking to. Then I met his gaze. I kissed Fen’s shoulder that housed the claiming gland that was still squishy and full of the clear magical fluid. His muscles relaxed under my kisses, and I pressed my lips against the taut skin over his gland. I licked and kissed it until everything inside of me howled for our mating link to be open. My wolf whined, demanding me to hurry the fuck up. His canine tooth elongated from my mouth and pierced Fen’s gland. The clear magical fluid came out in a hot sticky rush and Fen moaned into my shoulder. I lapped at the rivers and streams that ran from his gland and memories washed over me. Memories of stern looking foster parents dabbled with memories of being very tiny with his biological parents. Restaurants, stores, and bars where he worked all blurred together into a mini montage. Then he met us. The memories exploded with confusion and joy mingling together into an unreadable emotion.

Fen clamped down on my shoulder while his memories still lingered in my mind’s eye. The bite sent a wave of pleasure down me. Marcus thrust forward hard into Fen and sank deeper into me, even as his tongue chased down his part of our claiming vows. I only caught glimpses of what he saw – my ignorant parents and their dirty doctors. Shepard – so much Shepard everywhere. He was my best friend after all. Then Marcus and Faran and everyone in my new life. It even showed him the now funny moment of when I thought Starry wanted to kiss me. Fen chuckled against my shoulder as he lapped up the last bit of the clear magical fluid.

Then he kissed me as if to say he’d always want to kiss me, and I didn’t have to worry about him freaking out the way Starry did. I kissed him back, losing myself to all the pleasure raining down on me. It came from within my own body, and from Fen and Marcus over the mating link. Pleasure was thick in the air, and I was desperate for relief. Marcus pounded into Fen and his nails dug into my flesh as his body rocked between us, sinking deeper into me each time. My guys were close too. It was as if our mating link would explode from the need of release if we didn’t rush toward it. I clung to Fen, touching Marcus’s hand on his hip, because I needed them both to be happy.

Friction and fullness made my heartbeat ring in my ears until everything inside of me finally surrendered to every push toward pleasure. I exploded between my and Fen’s bodies, making a mess, but writhing under him, nonetheless.

“Fen, Marcus, Fen, Marcus,” I said their names over and over because they were the only words my fucked out brain could conjure.

Fen and Marcus both had their faces screwed up in pleasure. Each move they made brought a fresh wave down onto me. If they didn’t hurry up and cum, I’d be hard again just from feeling their pleasure. Fen’s grip on me tightened and he shuddered above me as Marcus’s thrusts kept coming hard and fast. Two hard deep thrusts later, Fen exploded inside of me, and I smiled to myself as his seed warmed my slick insides. Marcus wasn’t far behind him, and his pleasure rained down on both Fen and I as he threw his head back in victory.

When all our pleasure was spent, we collapsed panting in a heap of arms and legs.

“I love you both,” Marcus said, pulling us both toward him.

He kissed my forehead and then Fen’s.

“I love you too,” I said. “Both of you.”

“Love you too,” Fen said, still panting and floating around somewhere in the outer space of post coital bliss.

Chapter Thirty-Five


We spent the rest of the day in bed dozing on and off between romps. As he adjusted to our open mating links, Fen relaxed more and more. It hadn’t been all that long since Irwin and I exchanged ours, but I’d forgotten how isolating it was not to share such a connection with anyone. Family and group links didn’t go to the same depth once you were an adult. Sure, kids and babies leaked their emotions everywhere, but by the time they turned into teenagers they learned privacy and how to hide what they were up to. Then most folks just never quit doing it. Sure, there was a way to block out some of the mating link, but doing so left behind an itchy uncomfortable feeling for most folks. Unlike the other links, mating links left nothing to hide.

The next morning, I woke up before the others. Omegas usually needed more sleep than Alphas and growing up at the Sanctuary left me an early riser. I made sure they were both tucked in before I headed off to shower and downstairs to the resort’s café for a coffee. Room service would’ve brought it up but one whiff of caffeine in the suite and Irwin would’ve woken up.

I sent Daniel a quick text to check on Faran. I could’ve used the family link, but we reserved that for emergencies these days. No one wanted to butt in on a sibling’s intimate life. Then I discreetly took a photo of my second claim bite and texted it to Fara. Daniel would’ve thought it was a little tasteless, but Fara and I had discussed far weirder things. Also, the photo was easier than having a conversation about it with my twin. I hadn’t fully processed the new link and didn’t feel up to talking it in circles with her just yet.

I glanced around the café. Most of the early birds were older shifters, all cuddled together, because rodents always wanted affection. There were a lot of jokes about it, but I thought it was sweet. Studies showed that their territories had the lowest crime rates and rates of depression and anxiety. Maybe they had it right and we were the crazy ones.

I opened a blank note in my app and did some baby math. Since Fen’s relationship with us was new and powered by the ongoing true-mate response, he was more likely to be pregnant than Irwin. So, I started there adding up fox, bear, and wolf. I didn’t even bother trying to guess how a dragon egg would work out. Not even the great Clarence Moonscale had figured out that calculation yet. Then I calculated the same for Irwin adjusting by percentage for how long he was actually pregnant with Faran. It was a trick my sire used, and it was usually pretty accurate. Then I added all the possibilities to a separate digital calendar that could overlay mine later with ease.

After I finished my coffee, I headed out to the resort’s single trail for a run. I shifted, sinking down into my fox, and burning off the pent-up energy from being in the suite for half a week now. Rodents passed me in groups and lines, scurrying along. Thankfully, most of the time shifters didn’t smell like prey even to my fox. He’d had the best food in the world – hunted deer with bears and wolves even, rats, mice, and the like held nothing appetizing for him.

The trail was short, just under a mile, but most of the rodents ran it on repeat. After a few times, the short loop made me dizzy. So, I gave up on running out all my energy. The sun peeked over the horizon as I shifted back into my human form and headed back to the suite. On the way, I ordered coffee and breakfast from room service after checking whether Irwin or Fen already placed an order.

Chapter Thirty-Six


I woke up almost buried under Irwin. Inside his inner sanctum, my wolf was already awake and wagging his tail. I lay still for a long moment listening to Irwin’s gentle breathing and heartbeat. Marcus had left sometime earlier. I heard the shower running and the door opening but was too deep in my sleep to ask where he was headed. For a second, I imagined him out there making friends with all the rodent shifters. He was friendly enough to do it, under most circumstances.

“I grabbed a coffee and went for a run. I’m on my way back now,”Marcus’s voice played through my thoughts.

Maybe I hadn’t woken up to hear the shower earlier. Maybe it leaked over our mating link. I blinked a few times trying to clear the sleep fog from my brain so I could order coffee.

“It’s on the way too,”Marcus chuckled over our mating link.

“This is a bit strange. Not bad. It’s like I don’t even have to talk anymore,”I said.

“It’s great for hunting. No noise for the prey to pick up on,”Marcus said.