“I want a house full,” Marcus said without missing a beat. “Grew up with a houseful and want one of my own.”
“We can afford a houseful,” Fen said.
“That we can and then some,” Marcus nodded.
“I don’t miss serving in restaurants,” Fen said.
For a moment, I thought he was spouting out random things to fill in the silence, but a second later I realized how the two were related.
“Not many restaurants to serve in,” Marcus chuckled. “We could build you one, if you did miss it.”
“I don’t. I don’t think I want to go back to Europe either,” he said.
“Well, I’m glad you don’t. I don’t ---” Marcus started and stopped.
“Be honest, Alpha,”I said over our mating link and squeezed his hand.
“We’d miss you,” Marcus said a second later. “A lot.”
“I don’t think I could sleep alone anymore,” Fen said.
“I don’t think I’d want to let you,” Marcus said.
Fen’s blush deepened.
“I don’t know if I want to get another job,” he said after a few seconds of silence.
“You don’t have to,” Marcus and I said at the same time.
“If I have a baby, I want to stay home with them,” he said.
For a second, Marcus smelled like he might pull over to the shoulder of the highway and ravish Fen right there in the backseat. I glanced down at his lap. His hard dick strained against his jeans.
“Do you want to have a baby?” I asked.
“Eventually. I know things take time and conception isn’t instantaneous,” he said.
I lost track of the conversation as my mind wandered off to what trying for a baby with Fen might look like. I imagined the three of us in our bed back home all tangled and sweaty in the sheets taking turns sinking into him again and again. In my imagination, he writhed under us, pulling us in for kisses, and reaching out for our cocks because in the throes of passion he needed something to hold onto while his toes curled into the mattress. When I came back to the present moment Marcus was pulling over onto the shoulder.
A white Moonscale Talon 4.0 passed us, and I took a deep breath. We all breathed hard, and Marcus held the bridge of his nose as the engine idled. His thoughts and needs rained down on me from our mating link, but they were a jumbled mess I couldn’t make any sense of. I didn’t need to think too hard to figure out why he pulled over. He was rock hard, and Fen smelled just as aroused as my throbbing dick.
“Too much?” Fen asked.
“No,” Marcus said. “You’re not too much, Fen.”
Marcus took a deep breath and his grip tightened on my hand. I heard his fox mutter a curse and then he let go of my hand to twist around in his seat. He snatched at the front of Fen’s shirt, and he squeaked, but he fell silent as Marcus’s lips met his. He sighed into the kiss and everything inside of me lit up like a wildfire consuming everything in its path. Every little longing I held back since we met Fen burnt bright, hot, and undeniable inside of me.
Marcus held Fen as close as he could while leaning between the seats. Fen’s hands rested on his face as if he feared Marcus might pull away before he was done with him. Pleasure and longing spiraled up and down my cock. I wiggled in my seat, slick and needy. I undid my belt and rose to my knees to undo Fen’s. The strap didn’t pull out any further and I feared Marcus might rip it from the seat if it got in his way.
Another car passed us, but I didn’t care. I climbed into the backseat and slid behind Fen. He was practically on his feet with Marcus’s hands on his lap. I hugged him from behind and kissed his neck and shoulder. Even through his shirt I felt his squishy claiming gland moving under my mouth.
Fen sighed against Marcus’s hungry lips before twisting in his arms to face me. Our gazes met and I stared into his hungry eyes for a split second before our lips crashed together. It was one helluva time to give into the magic, but none of that mattered. I was finally kissing Fen! His body was finally pressed up against mine and his tongue was finally inside my mouth.
Straddling me, he held my face in his hands as he’d done with Marcus. His fingertips dug into my flesh as he kissed me hard. Everything about him smelled hungry and needy. His slick arousal filled the SUV.
Marcus opened his door, but I couldn’t ask what he was doing. My mouth was too full of Fen’s tongue and my lap so full of his ass grinding against my hard dick. The back door on the other side opened and he climbed inside, shutting it behind him.
I reached out for him with one hand and he took it and kissed it. A shiver shimmied down my spine as I touched both of them at the same time. I entwined my fingers through his and pulled him closer.